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RSS Image Sequencer (Read 266 times)
RSS Image Sequencer
Mar 18th, 2008, 4:47am
Hello everyone,

I'm a completely new to Processing but just starting to get the hang of it. I'm trying to grab images from an RSS feed and then sequence them - just to play in a loop one after each other. I then want to be able to add to this sequence as the RSS feed is updated.

I've found this example that grabs thumbnail images and displays them in a circle. Is there a way of modifying this code? Also is there a way of using multiple RSS feeds? Or maybe even the video from a RSS feed?

* Loads RSS feed and displays item images.
* Move the mouse to rotate and scale the image wheel.
* (c) 2008 Till Nagel, btk.tillnagel.com

import processing.opengl.*;
import processing.xml.*;

// The items array
Item[] items;

void setup() {
 size(1280, 800, OPENGL);

 print("Loading feed, and images ...");

 // Loads RSS feed and gets image of each item
 XMLElement rss = new XMLElement(this, "http://www.archive.org/services/collection-rss.php?mediatype=movies");
 XMLElement[] imageURLElements = rss.getChildren("channel/category/media:thumbnails");

 items = new Item[imageURLElements.length];
 // Calculate degreeStep to arrange items equally on a circle
 float degreeStep = 360.0 / items.length;
 // Loads image and creates Item for each feed item
 for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
   String imageURL = imageURLElements[i].getStringAttribute("url");
   PImage img = loadImage(imageURL);
   items[i] = new Item(img, degreeStep * i, 300, 0);

 println(" done.");

void draw() {
 float degreeChange = (mouseX-width/2)/80.0;
 float distance = (mouseY-height/2)/80.0;

 translate(width/2, height/2);

 // Displays each item
 for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
   // Rotate it according to the vertical mouse position
   items[i].degree += degreeChange;
   // and move it according to the horizontal mouse position
   items[i].x += distance;

This is in a new tab

// Item to store image, degree to rotate, and position
class Item {

 PImage img;

 float x;
 float y;
 float degree;
 // Creates new Item.
 Item(PImage img, float degree, float x, float y) {
   this.x = x;
   this.y = y;
   this.degree = degree;
   this.img = img;
 // Displays image rotated around the current origin at the given position.
 void display() {
   translate(x, y);
   // The center point of the image is used
   image(img, -img.width/2, -img.height/2);

Thanks for your help, it's much appreciated. Apologies if this seems really basic.
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