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Reflective Programming and finding class [SOLVED] (Read 901 times)
Reflective Programming and finding class [SOLVED]
Mar 17th, 2008, 7:25pm
Hi, I'm trying to reflectively access processing's functions through the Java.lang.reflect library.

So far I've got managed to make it so I can call code from one sketch window and have it run in the other through the reflect interface, which is great as a proof of concept, however i've run into a snag.

The .getMethod("methodName",Object[] paramTypes) function requires that primitive classes such as int and float are passed in the paramTypes object array as Float.TYPE etc.

I want to be able to make the function that runs getMethod to read the parameter types as it receives them, so I don't have to send two lots of parameters through. I had hoped that this might be a case of using the getClass function, but as you have to pass the parameters as an object[], that returns a float object, instead of a float primitive, so throws an error.

Ideally, I want to be able to pass a parameter Object array and the code work it out its self.

Does anyone know if this is possible, or if i'm living in blind hope?


Re: Reflective Programming and getting the right c
Reply #1 - Mar 17th, 2008, 7:25pm
Broken, messy code wouldn't fit in the same post...


import processing.opengl.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import processing.core.*;

ExampleFrame look;
void setup(){
 look=new ExampleFrame();
void draw(){
 Object[] par=new Object[2];

public void drawLine(){

    //can call the update method on any passed object
public void callUpdate(String com,Object[] args){
 //we need to build the class[] array for the getMethod
 Class[] cls = new Class[0];
 Class myC;
 for(int t=0;t<args.length;t++){
   Class tempC = args[t].getClass();
   Field[] typeC = tempC.getFields();
     Field myType=typeC[typeC.length-1];
     myC = myType.getType();
     cls = (Class[]) append(cls,tempC);
 //Class[] cls = {Float.TYPE,Float.TYPE,Float.TYPE,Float.TYPE};
 Class go = this.getClass();
 Method me;
   me = go.getMethod(com,cls);
 }catch(Exception e){

public class ExampleFrame extends Frame {
   PApplet embed;
    public ExampleFrame() {
        super("Embedded PApplet");
        setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        embed = new Embedded();
        add(embed, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        // important to call this whenever embedding a PApplet.
        // It ensures that the animation thread is started and
        // that other internal variables are properly set.

public class Embedded extends PApplet{

    public void setup() {
        // original setup code here ...
        size(400, 400,OPENGL);
        // prevent thread from starving everything else

    public void draw() {
        // drawing code goes here
        float x= 10.0;
        float y=100.0;
        float x1=50.0;
        float y1=400.0;
        Object[] pars = {new Float(10.0),new Float(100.0),new Float(50.0),new Float(400.0)};

    public void mousePressed() {
        // do something based on mouse movement

        // update the screen (run draw once)

Re: Reflective Programming and finding class [SOLV
Reply #2 - Mar 18th, 2008, 11:58am
Hi, worked it out, I found a function here;


and took out the bit i needed, so now I can call functions in one applet window from another.

I'll post an example in the Exhibition board in case other people are interested in using it.
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