Simple. What's the best Java version to run a Processing app in? i.e. The most stable one.
Right now, under Windows (Vista...) my Processing apps crash very often (about half the times I run them). Not the Processing IDE itself, just the Java VM, meaning that a window will pop up, but won't display but a gray background. I have to ctrl-alt-del and kill java.exe by hand (not javaw.exe, which if I kill, closes the Processing window).
Under Ubuntu 7.10, I have had about 3 crashes total, which is not bad, but still, I have to kill the window by doing a Force Quit on the window or in the CLI, using "kill -n SIGKILL <pid>".
My problem is that the app I'm developing needs to be deployed in a museum so I can't risk even one crash.
I'm using Java 1.6 on both, and I'm assuming the native unstableness of Vista is what's crashing java.exe so often. But what about Ubuntu? Sometimes I even have to click the "Run" button several times with no effect whatsoever.
Could this be happening because of the Java version? Has anyone tested it? Will Java 1.4 be the most stable version, because Processing is being built on top of it?
Now even in Ubuntu sometimes the programs fail to run, but they leave a java process behind, so I can't run any Processing app after it has been killed using the sigkill method.
What can be causing this behavior? I've never had this problem before, with earlier versions of my program. Now after moving around some code (just putting some reusable code inside functions and calling them exactly in the same place) causes problems.
I get a gray screen a lot of times now. I don't know how did my new code broke my Java VM, since even earlier versions, which worked fine and to which I haven't changed a single line of code present the same behavior now.
Please help

PS: I can post the code, but it's a bit long and messy since I had to patch things as the program specifications changed during coding (hurray for the lack of scripts...)