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newbie problems+++ (Read 332 times)
newbie problems+++
Mar 1st, 2008, 2:38pm
Hi i'm tryng to design a mouse triggered animation for a web site. but somehing about arrays i use is wrong.
i enclose two sketches:

in the first one i don't succed to assign different strokeweights to a group of arcs.
Each arc has different width & height two list generated by the same function : dist(x,y,mouseX,mouseY);

In the second one i try to "map" the values issue of the function in a real array hoping that having an index for each value will haelp to attribute them different strokeweights.

I hope my request is clear enough, i'm really a processing newbie, and my sketches are not so clear even to me ;)

Every hint or comment is wellcome!TNX S

FIRST sketch:

// declare variables :


//arrays index:
int i;
//different strokeweight for each arc:
float SW;
//reference points used as virtual centers of each arc to scale them proportionally to mouse distance:
int x;
int y ;
//width & eight for each arc:
   float ellwidth ;
   float ellheight;
//factor use to define the amount of oscillation for width & eight:
   float Xspring ;
   float Yspring ;
//simulate an oscillation dynamic for width & eight:
   float sinW ;
   float sinH ;

float target;
float speed = 0 ;
float easing = 0.025;

void setup() {
 size(800, 200);
 frameRate (30);
void draw() {
background (0);

 //mouse speed
 float target = dist(mouseX, mouseY, pmouseX, pmouseY);
speed += (target/2 - speed) * easing;

 // virtual centers
for (int x = 100; x < 800; x +=300){
 for (int y = 20; y < 800; y +=280){

// basic width & eight of the arcs
   float ellwidth = dist(x,y,mouseX,mouseY)*0.75;
   float ellheight = dist(x,y,mouseX,mouseY*3)/2.3;

//oscillation factor  
   float Xspring = (speed*2.75);
   float Yspring = (speed*2.5);

//oscillation simulation    
   float sinW = sin(frameCount/2* speed/1.5) * Xspring;
   float sinH = sin(frameCount/2 * speed/2) * Yspring;

//array used to attribute a different stroke weight to each arc  
float[] SW = {3,5,7,1,0.5,1,1.5,2.25};
for (int i = 0; i < SW.length; i++){


strokeWeight (SW[i]);


//                                                 -------------------------
SECOND sketch:

//this sketch is quite the same as the previous one,
//i just try here to build an array to content widths & eights of the arcs
//supposing that if they have an index it wil be possible to attribute
//each one a different stroke weight.

float SW;
int i;
float speed = 0. ;
float easing = 0.025;

void setup() {
 size(800, 200);
 frameRate (30);
void draw() {
background (0);

//detect mousespeed
 float target = dist(mouseX, mouseY, pmouseX, pmouseY);
speed += (target/2 - speed) * easing;

//create an array to contain different values for strokeweight
//and create an index
float[] SW = {3,5,7,1,0.5,1,1.5,2.25,4};
for (int i = 0; i < SW.length; i++){

//create virtual ppoints as scale reference for each arc  
for (int x = 100; x < 800; x +=300){
 for (int y = 20; y < 800; y +=280){

//create two arrays to contain height & width values for each arc
//the index used for those arrays is [i] again but if use it here i have
//a bound exception error.
   float[] ellwidth = new float[i];
   ellwidth[i] = dist(x,y,mouseX,mouseY);
   float[] ellheight = new float[i];
   ellheight[i] = dist(x,y,mouseX,mouseY);
   float Xspring = (speed*2.75);
   float Yspring = (speed*2.5);
   float sinW = sin(frameCount/2* speed/1.5) * Xspring;
   float sinH = sin(frameCount/2 * speed/2) * Yspring;

// here the SW array is recalled by the same [i] index
//that in this case works correctly
//(if former heigt lines are commented)
 strokeWeight (SW[i]);





Re: newbie problems+++
Reply #1 - Mar 1st, 2008, 9:31pm
1) this is not a strokeWeight problem. your formula for the green arcs doesn't return what you expect. replace your formula arc(x,0,ellwidth+sinW,ellheight+sinH,0,TWO_PI); by this one arc(x,0,SW*20,20+SW[i]*40,0,TWO_PI); for example, and you'll see that the strokeWeights are correctly affected.

2) I don't think that creating arrays for the arc width and height, at this place in your code (in your nested for loops) is the right way to proceed. Anyway, I don't think creating arrays are what you want, since [i]dist(x,y,mouseX,mouseY);
is only *one* value.

my sketches are not so clear even to me Wink

I think you should reorganize things :

setup() {
// <-- set SW here

draw() {
// <-- calculate all variables (target, speed, ... sinW, sinH)
// <-- put your 3 nested for-loops here (SW, x, y)

By the way, you just need to declare a variable once. If you want to declare before setup (ex: float a;), just update the value later (ex: a = 2.0;) but don't repeat it's type.
Re: newbie problems+++
Reply #2 - Mar 5th, 2008, 8:55pm
Tnx for your hints antiplastik,

the sketch was really chaotic, and i cleaned it.
Actually, at least one of The incoming values used to draw the arcs should be correctly indexed(stored in array), to assign a different strokeWeight value to each arc.
Otherwise you draw several arcs but just repeating the same one: without the possibility to assign different attributes to each one.
here the working code with a different strokeWeight for each interactive arc.

Cheers S Smiley

float speed = 0;
float easing = 0.025;
float target = 0;
float mousex = 0;
float mousey = 0;
float  mousex1 = 0;
float  mousey1 =  0;
float sinW,sinH,ellwidth, ellheight, Xspring, Yspring;

int step;
int n = 9;
int numX = 3;

float[] xPoses = new float[n];
float[] yPoses = new float[n];
float[] bottomLineX = new float[n];
float[] SW = new float[n];

void setup() {
 size(800, 200,JAVA2D);
 frameRate (30);
  step = width / numX;            //  distance between dots
  for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
    xPoses[i] = (step / 2) + (i % numX * step);
    yPoses[i] = (step / 2) + (floor(i / numX) * step);
    bottomLineX[i] = width / n * (i+0.5);
    SW[i] = random(9);

void draw()
 background (0);

 mousex = mouseX;
 mousey =  mouseY;
 mousex1 = pmouseX;
 mousey1 =  pmouseY;
 target = dist(mousex, mousey, mousex1, mousey1);
 speed += (target/2 - speed) * easing;
 for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
 ellwidth = dist(xPoses[i],yPoses[i],mousex,mousey)*0.75;
 ellheight = dist(xPoses[i],yPoses[i],mousey,mousey*3)/2.3;
 Xspring = (speed*2.75);
 Yspring = (speed*2.5);
 sinW = sin(frameCount/2* speed/1.5) * Xspring;
 sinH = sin(frameCount/2 * speed/2) * Yspring;
 strokeWeight (SW[i]);
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