YaBB Newbies
Posts: 3
newbie problems+++
Mar 1st , 2008, 2:38pm
Hi i'm tryng to design a mouse triggered animation for a web site. but somehing about arrays i use is wrong. i enclose two sketches: in the first one i don't succed to assign different strokeweights to a group of arcs. Each arc has different width & height two list generated by the same function : dist(x,y,mouseX,mouseY); In the second one i try to "map" the values issue of the function in a real array hoping that having an index for each value will haelp to attribute them different strokeweights. I hope my request is clear enough, i'm really a processing newbie, and my sketches are not so clear even to me ;) Every hint or comment is wellcome!TNX S FIRST sketch: // declare variables : //TO DRAW SHAPES: //arrays index: int i; //different strokeweight for each arc: float SW; //reference points used as virtual centers of each arc to scale them proportionally to mouse distance: int x; int y ; //width & eight for each arc: float ellwidth ; float ellheight; //factor use to define the amount of oscillation for width & eight: float Xspring ; float Yspring ; //simulate an oscillation dynamic for width & eight: float sinW ; float sinH ; //TO DETECT MOUSE SPEED // float target; float speed = 0 ; float easing = 0.025; void setup() { size(800, 200); frameRate (30); } void draw() { smooth(); fill(0,0); background (0); //mouse speed float target = dist(mouseX, mouseY, pmouseX, pmouseY); speed += (target/2 - speed) * easing; // virtual centers for (int x = 100; x < 800; x +=300){ for (int y = 20; y < 800; y +=280){ // basic width & eight of the arcs float ellwidth = dist(x,y,mouseX,mouseY)*0.75; float ellheight = dist(x,y,mouseX,mouseY*3)/2.3; //oscillation factor float Xspring = (speed*2.75); float Yspring = (speed*2.5); //oscillation simulation float sinW = sin(frameCount/2* speed/1.5) * Xspring; float sinH = sin(frameCount/2 * speed/2) * Yspring; //array used to attribute a different stroke weight to each arc float[] SW = {3,5,7,1,0.5,1,1.5,2.25}; for (int i = 0; i < SW.length; i++){ println(SW[i]); strokeWeight (SW[i]); //WHITE ARC CORRECTLY AFFECTED BY STROKEWEIGHT SETTINGS stroke(255,255,255,250); arc(x,0,SW[i]*20,SW[i]*40,0,TWO_PI); //GREEN ARCS NOT AFFECTED BY STROKEWEIGHT SETTINGS BUT I CANT UNDERSTAND WHY? // ------------------------- stroke(0,255,0,250); arc(x,0,ellwidth+sinW,ellheight+sinH,0,TWO_PI); } } } } SECOND sketch: //this sketch is quite the same as the previous one, //i just try here to build an array to content widths & eights of the arcs //supposing that if they have an index it wil be possible to attribute //each one a different stroke weight. //Variables float SW; int i; float speed = 0. ; float easing = 0.025; void setup() { size(800, 200); frameRate (30); } void draw() { smooth(); fill(0,0); background (0); stroke(255,255,255,250); //detect mousespeed float target = dist(mouseX, mouseY, pmouseX, pmouseY); speed += (target/2 - speed) * easing; //create an array to contain different values for strokeweight //and create an index float[] SW = {3,5,7,1,0.5,1,1.5,2.25,4}; for (int i = 0; i < SW.length; i++){ println(i); //create virtual ppoints as scale reference for each arc for (int x = 100; x < 800; x +=300){ for (int y = 20; y < 800; y +=280){ //create two arrays to contain height & width values for each arc //the index used for those arrays is [i] again but if use it here i have //a bound exception error. float[] ellwidth = new float[i]; ellwidth[i] = dist(x,y,mouseX,mouseY); float[] ellheight = new float[i]; ellheight[i] = dist(x,y,mouseX,mouseY); float Xspring = (speed*2.75); float Yspring = (speed*2.5); float sinW = sin(frameCount/2* speed/1.5) * Xspring; float sinH = sin(frameCount/2 * speed/2) * Yspring; // here the SW array is recalled by the same [i] index //that in this case works correctly //(if former heigt lines are commented) strokeWeight (SW[i]); arc(x,0,SW[i]*20,SW[i]*20,0,TWO_PI); arc(x,0,ellwidth[i]+sinW,ellheight[i]+sinH,0,TWO_PI); } } } } THANKS AGAIN FOR UR ATTENCTION!