YaBB Newbies
Posts: 8
Map Project Help Please
Feb 29th , 2008, 5:40pm
I'm trying to creat a map of custom tiles. The tile order is stored in a text file, and the tile images are jpg files in the data folder. If you need me to post those please just say so. I can't figure out how to display more than one kind of tile at a time, and I would appreciate any help. color grassColor = color(0, 200, 0); int tileSize = 20; Tile grass = new Tile(tileSize, tileSize); Map map2 = new Map(tileSize, tileSize, 10, 10, "map2"); PImage grassImage; PImage rockImage; void setup(){ size(800, 500); grassImage = loadImage("grass.jpg"); rockImage = loadImage("rock.jpg"); map2.update(); } void draw(){ grass.create(0, 0); map2.create(); //PFont fontA = loadFont("CourierNew36.vlw"); //textFont(fontA, 36); //text(map1.returnMapTilesLength(), width/2, height/2); } class Tile{ String name; float h; float w; Tile(float dh, float dw){ h = dh; w = dw; } void create(float dx, float dy){ if(name == "grass"){ image(grassImage, dx, dy, w, h); } else if(name == "rock"){ image(rockImage, dx, dy, w, h); } } void identify(String dname){ name = dname; } void displayType(float dx, float dy){ PFont fontA = loadFont("CourierNew36.vlw"); textFont(fontA, 36); text(name, dx, dy); } } class Map{ String name; float tileW; float tileH; int mapW; int mapH; float w = tileW * mapW; float h = tileH * mapH; Tile[] MapTiles = new Tile[0]; String[] MapLoad; String[] MapSave = new String[MapTiles.length]; Map(float dtileW, float dtileH, int dmapW, int dmapH, String dname){ tileW = dtileW; tileH = dtileH; mapH = dmapH; mapW = dmapW; name = dname; } void update(){ MapTiles = (Tile[])expand(MapTiles, mapW * mapH); instantiate(); MapLoad = loadStrings(name + ".txt"); for(int i = 0; i < MapLoad.length; i++){ if(MapLoad[i].equals("grass")){ MapTiles[i].identify("grass"); } else if(MapLoad[i].equals("rock")){ MapTiles[i].identify("rock"); } } } void create(){ for(int i = 0; i < MapTiles.length; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < mapW; j++){ for(int k = 0; k < mapH; k++){ MapTiles[i].create(j*tileSize, tileSize*k); } } } } void instantiate(){ for(int i = 0; i < MapTiles.length; i++){ MapTiles[i] = new Tile(tileSize, tileSize); } } int returnMapTilesLength(){ return MapTiles.length; } int returnMapLoadLength(){ return MapLoad.length; } int returnmapH(){ return mapH; } int returnmapW(){ return mapW; } }