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Slow, Slow Processing Website (Read 5086 times)
Slow, Slow Processing Website
Feb 28th, 2008, 5:06pm
I've received a report that this site (Processing.org) is prohibitively slow in the Netherlands and I'm wondering if the same is true elsewhere. I was told that it was so slow actually, that the students weren't able to use the forum because it can take minutes to load a page. (So, if people are having severe problems, they are probably not going to get this message.)

The site is fine for me in LA (I live close to the server I think), but I want to know if we need to take action to mirror, upgrade, or move.

Please let me know.


Re: Slow, Slow Processing Website
Reply #1 - Feb 28th, 2008, 5:18pm

No problem here in Brussels-Belgium, and we're not that far from the Netherlands....

Re: Slow, Slow Processing Website
Reply #2 - Feb 28th, 2008, 7:42pm
Like I said in a reply e-mail to Casey Reas, the website responds totally normal all of a sudden. I've never seen the website this fast before, and I've been visiting the site for about a year now.

Lets hope it stays this way :)

edit: I'm saying this because I'm the one who complained to Casey ;)
Re: Slow, Slow Processing Website
Reply #3 - Mar 4th, 2008, 11:26am
here,in China, damn slow,slow as hell.
i have to find some good proxy to visit here.
Re: Slow, Slow Processing Website
Reply #4 - Mar 4th, 2008, 12:29pm
(...)the website responds totally normal all of a sudden. I've never seen the website this fast before (...) Lets hope it stays this way :)

I take that back; terribly slow again.
Re: Slow, Slow Processing Website
Reply #5 - Mar 4th, 2008, 7:35pm
for anyone having trouble, can you run a traceroute to the site so we can see where the holdup is happening?
Re: Slow, Slow Processing Website
Reply #6 - Mar 4th, 2008, 7:53pm
It's really odd. Sometimes the website is way too slow and you can hardly load a page and sometimes it's totally normal (like now).

Though the 'normal mode' has only started turning up around the time I contacted Casey, a few days ago.

My traceroute atm (while the site is fast), from Arnhem, the Netherlands:

traceroute to processing.org (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets
1 (  349.611 ms  11.035 ms  4.878 ms
2  ip1-96-174-82.adsl2.versatel.nl (  30.801 ms  25.804 ms  23.787 ms
3  ge-1-0-0-1213.ncr01ht.versatel.net (  27.167 ms  27.204 ms  25.765 ms
4  ge-0-2-0-0.ncr01rt.versatel.net (  29.408 ms  29.196 ms  28.947 ms
5  ge-0-2-0-0.ncr01asd2.versatel.net (  35.335 ms  35.214 ms  34.839 ms
6 (  36.671 ms  37.044 ms  35.849 ms
7  ams16-core-1.gigabiteth5-0-0.swip.net (  37.506 ms  41.908 ms  40.113 ms
8  tenge13-2.br02.ams01.pccwbtn.net (  42.921 ms  36.767 ms  36.868 ms
9  avanz.ge3-1.2.cr01.lax03.pccwbtn.net (  191.738 ms  190.780 ms  191.861 ms
10 (  192.891 ms  192.183 ms  192.791 ms
11 (  190.618 ms  191.829 ms  196.275 ms
12  mt-aces-02-01.mediatemple.net (  198.391 ms  191.917 ms  192.383 ms
13  vz17.mediatemple.net (  191.445 ms  191.594 ms *
14  processing.org (  191.919 ms  191.547 ms  192.157 ms

I'll add a traceroute later when the site goes slow again.
Re: Slow, Slow Processing Website
Reply #7 - Mar 8th, 2008, 8:37pm

this happens to me too, but just from home, not from work, so i did two traceroutes and found that it is almost the same delay. What i have done now is capture the traffic when accessing the site using a network sniffer, and i have found that network speed is ok, problem is with the web server. I have found that between sending the HTTP request and receiving the answer there is a 20 seconds delay, for every request, TCP ACK is normal though. I guess this is related to some timeout in the web server, because it's exactly 20 seconds (+ delay), and my bet that this is related to reverse DNS lookups ...

Hope this helps
Re: Slow, Slow Processing Website
Reply #8 - Mar 8th, 2008, 9:35pm
if it's really the server than it's strange because i don't have any problems at all from frankfurt / germany.

what are the exact urls you guys have been tracing? .. does it happen for all pages?

can you check on bugs.processing.org and mobile.processing.org as well please?

Re: Slow, Slow Processing Website
Reply #9 - Mar 8th, 2008, 10:16pm
It happens with all the pages, even mobile.processing.org and dev.processing.org (bugs.processing.org seems not valid) ... and sure it is strange cause it doesn't happen at work, only at home. Btw, i'm connecting from barcelona / spain ...
Re: Slow, Slow Processing Website
Reply #10 - Mar 9th, 2008, 1:22am
again, please provide a traceroute from when it's not working, otherwise there's absolutely nothing we can do to help.
Re: Slow, Slow Processing Website
Reply #11 - Mar 9th, 2008, 12:22pm
traceroute from friday, it was not working

Traza a la dirección processing.org []
sobre un máximo de 30 saltos:

1     1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
2    40 ms    39 ms    39 ms []
3     *        *        *     Tiempo de espera agotado para esta solicitud.
4    42 ms    41 ms    40 ms []
5     *        *        *     Tiempo de espera agotado para esta solicitud.
6    40 ms    40 ms    40 ms  te1-3.ccr01.bcn01.atlas.cogentco.com []
7    50 ms    50 ms    50 ms  te1-2.ccr01.mrs01.atlas.cogentco.com []
8    62 ms    62 ms    62 ms  te8-4.mpd02.par01.atlas.cogentco.com []
9    62 ms    62 ms    62 ms  gi0-0-0.core01.par01.atlas.cogentco.com []
10    63 ms    63 ms    62 ms  po2-0.core01.par04.atlas.cogentco.com []
11    63 ms    63 ms    63 ms  beyond-3491.aub.giga.parix.net []
12   209 ms   209 ms   209 ms  pos7-0.cr01.lax03.pccwbtn.net []
13   212 ms   212 ms   212 ms  avanz.ge3-1.2.cr01.lax03.pccwbtn.net []
14   211 ms   211 ms   213 ms
15   211 ms   211 ms   212 ms  lax4-cust77-v149.net2ez.com []
16   211 ms   212 ms   211 ms  mt-aces-02-01.mediatemple.net []
17   213 ms   213 ms   212 ms  vz17.mediatemple.net []
18   212 ms   212 ms   213 ms  processing.org []

traceroute today, still the same problem (seems that router 12 is filtering icmp messages)
Traza a la dirección processing.org [] sobre un máximo de 30 saltos:

 1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
 2    49 ms    40 ms    39 ms []
 3     *        *        *     Tiempo de espera agotado para esta solicitud.
 4    87 ms    41 ms    41 ms []
 5     *        *        *     Tiempo de espera agotado para esta solicitud.
 6    40 ms    40 ms     *     te1-3.ccr01.bcn01.atlas.cogentco.com []
 7   107 ms   227 ms   207 ms  te1-2.ccr01.mrs01.atlas.cogentco.com []
 8    62 ms    62 ms    61 ms  te8-4.mpd02.par01.atlas.cogentco.com []
 9    62 ms    62 ms    62 ms  gi0-0-0.core01.par01.atlas.cogentco.com []
10    62 ms    63 ms    62 ms  po2-0.core01.par04.atlas.cogentco.com []
11    63 ms    63 ms    63 ms  beyond-3491.aub.giga.parix.net []
12     *        *        *     Tiempo de espera agotado para esta solicitud.
13     *        *        *     Tiempo de espera agotado para esta solicitud.
14     *        *        *     Tiempo de espera agotado para esta solicitud.
15     *        *        *     Tiempo de espera agotado para esta solicitud.
16     *        *        *     Tiempo de espera agotado para esta solicitud.
17     *        *        *     Tiempo de espera agotado para esta solicitud.
18   213 ms   212 ms   212 ms  processing.org []

When downloading files, speed is constant at about 280Kb/s.

And here is a screenshot (from today) of what i was telling in the other post http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/4051/processingca2.png

Packets 1-3 are TCP connection establishment, packet 4 is the HTTP request, packet 5 is the TCP acknowledgment from the server that it has received this data, and till here everything is fine, all of this has happened in 0.4 seconds, but then there are 20 seconds till it receives the HTTP response. From this trace it seems that network is ok, but that is the server that slows it all.
Re: Slow, Slow Processing Website
Reply #12 - Mar 10th, 2008, 12:51pm
Hi Yes
I had the same problem in South Africa - must say I immediately blamed it on the University firewall.
It seems better now but this weekend it was very slow.
Re: Slow, Slow Processing Website
Reply #13 - Mar 29th, 2008, 3:24pm
hi there,

i'm in the netherlands, no probs at all
Re: Slow, Slow Processing Website
Reply #14 - May 20th, 2010, 6:02am
I have been experiencing slow response from the processing website for at least a couple of weeks. Here is a traceroute that I just did:

traceroute to processing.org (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
1 (  11.989 ms  9.971 ms  10.190 ms
2 (  9.691 ms  9.103 ms  9.846 ms
3  gig3-10.austtxk-rtr1.austin.rr.com (  15.117 ms  10.961 ms  10.255 ms
4  gi0-2-1-1.austtxrdcsc-rtr1.austin.rr.com (  11.034 ms  11.396 ms  17.506 ms
5  gig5-3-0.hstntxl3-rtr1.texas.rr.com (  17.206 ms  16.183 ms  15.964 ms
6  ae-2-0.cr0.hou30.tbone.rr.com (  18.002 ms  87.694 ms  16.156 ms
7  ae-3-0.cr0.lax30.tbone.rr.com (  50.462 ms  48.942 ms  49.843 ms
8  ae-1-0.pr0.lax10.tbone.rr.com (  50.573 ms  51.573 ms  49.816 ms
9  xe-3-2-0.mpr1.lax12.us.above.net (  50.040 ms  50.594 ms  51.629 ms
10  xe-1-2-0.er1.lax9.us.above.net (  50.539 ms  51.434 ms  52.318 ms
11  ge-2-0-0.mpr3.lax9.us.above.net (  51.052 ms  52.548 ms  50.043 ms
12 (  50.361 ms  53.190 ms  61.803 ms
13  br01-1-2.lax4.net2ez.com (  52.095 ms  51.555 ms  51.921 ms
14  cr01-2-2.lax4.net2ez.com (  52.120 ms  51.830 ms  51.915 ms
15  cust-77.lax4.net2ez.com (  51.985 ms  53.427 ms  53.160 ms
16 (  59.139 ms  52.738 ms  67.481 ms
17  vz17.mediatemple.net (  54.111 ms  50.888 ms  52.048 ms
18  processing.org (  52.568 ms  52.896 ms  51.844 ms
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