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research: computer task (Read 214 times)
research: computer task
Feb 21st, 2008, 12:57pm

Currently i'm doing research for my master thesis Human Machine Communication. I'm investigating human time perception. To investigate this I'm building a computer task in which participants see stimuli (for particular durations) and have to make a decision (out of two possible decisions) based on the duration of those stimuli.
I know it's a bit a vague description, but what I'd like to know is:

Can I build such a task with Processing?

It needs millisecond accuracy, AND store all decisions, and (pre-decision) durations of every trial.

I'm familiar with Java and Processing as well, but I'm not really familiar with time performance of both, and whether storing large amounts of data (in the mean time) affects time performance. By the way, the graphical stuff is really simple.

Thanks, BEnm
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