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Designing Typefaces Using Processing. (Read 2141 times)
Designing Typefaces Using Processing.
Feb 8th, 2008, 6:24pm
I am a 3rd year Graphic Design student at The Arts Institute at Bournemouth, and for my Final Major Project I am investigating the implications of Processing on Typography.

Inspired by the Reed Kram and Clemens Weisshaar partnership, who created a computer program to design furniture, I have decided to try to create a computer program to create a typeface.

Empowering my computer's imagination.

I have developed a code which places random lines and curves onto a page, and by running this code enough times I have created a typeface.

I'm a bit stuck, as I have no idea what I am doing.  This is the first time I have had to tackle computer coding and I was just wondering if anyone is doing anything similar.



Re: Designing Typefaces Using Processing.
Reply #1 - Feb 8th, 2008, 6:50pm
Are you interested in enabling a user to create a font that they can then use in say, Illustrator or Word?
Re: Designing Typefaces Using Processing.
Reply #2 - Feb 8th, 2008, 7:14pm
i started to collect some a while ago:

let me know if you find anything new please.

Re: Designing Typefaces Using Processing.
Reply #3 - Feb 10th, 2008, 10:10pm
Is there a way of saving the output of processing automatically each time it is run.  Say for instance as a .tiff or .jpeg file?

Re: Designing Typefaces Using Processing.
Reply #4 - Feb 10th, 2008, 10:16pm
See http://processing.org/reference/saveFrame_.html and http://processing.org/reference/save_.html
Re: Designing Typefaces Using Processing.
Reply #5 - Feb 11th, 2008, 12:46pm
Thanks for the reply there but I tried those and they save each file as the same thing, even though it say on the website that they do versions.

This is the coding that I have been using:

void setup(){
 size (400, 400);
 background (255);

void draw(){
 float a = random (0, 100);
 if (a < 50){  
   float b = random (1, 40);
   float c = random (20, 380);
   float d = random (20, 380);
   float e = random (20, 380);
   line (c, d, c, e);

 float g = random (0, 100);
 if (g < 50){
   float h = random (1, 40);
   float i = random (20, 230);
   float j = random (20, 380);
   float k = random (20, 380);
   line (i, j, k, j);

 float f = random (0, 100);
 if (f < 50);{
   float h = random (1, 40);
   float i = random (20, 230);
   float j = random (20, 380);
   float k = random (20, 380);
   float l = random (20, 380);    
   line (i, j, k, l);

 float m = random (0, 100);
 if (m < 50){
   float n = random (1, 40);
   float o = random (20, 380);
   float p = random (20, 380);
   float q = random (20, 380);
   float r = random (20, 380);
   line (o, p, q, r);

 float s = random (0, 100);
 if (s < 50){
   float t = random (1, 40);
   float u = random (1, 40);
   float v = random (1, 40);
   stroke (t, u, v);
   stroke (0, 0, 0);
   float o = random (20, 380);
   float p = random (20, 380);
   float q = random (20, 380);
   float r = random (20, 380);
   float w = random (20, 380);
   float x = random (20, 380);
   float y = random (20, 380);
   float z = random (20, 380);
   bezier(z, y, x, w, r, q, p, o);

 float t = random (0, 100);
 if (t < 50){
   float i = random (1, 40);
   float j = random (1, 40);
   float k = random (1, 40);
   stroke (i, j, k);
   stroke (0, 0, 0);
   float o = random (20, 380);
   float p = random (20, 380);
   float q = random (20, 380);
   float r = random (20, 380);
   float w = random (20, 380);
   float x = random (20, 380);
   float y = random (20, 380);
   float z = random (20, 380);
   bezier(z, y, x, w, r, q, p, o);



As you can see its all about random lines being placed on a page.
Re: Designing Typefaces Using Processing.
Reply #6 - Feb 11th, 2008, 12:50pm
You can use the current time as part of the filename to make it unique:

String filename=""+year()+nf(month(),2)+nf(day(),2)+"####.tif";

Re: Designing Typefaces Using Processing.
Reply #7 - Feb 11th, 2008, 1:42pm
Hey JohnG, you are an absolute star for replying and so quickly. However I want to make hundreds of these images.  

So using the date isn't a good way of making the files different as I can only do one a day.  Any other thoughts?

Thanks mate you're genius.
Re: Designing Typefaces Using Processing.
Reply #8 - Feb 11th, 2008, 1:49pm
you can expand JohnG's example with hour() , minute() , second() and mills()

Re: Designing Typefaces Using Processing.
Reply #9 - Feb 11th, 2008, 5:18pm
Re: Designing Typefaces Using Processing.
Reply #10 - Feb 19th, 2008, 4:09pm
Hey Jarl,

I am now at the stage in the design process where I would like to start learning about how to make the typeface that I am designing useable in other computer programs.  If you could help me out here that would be fantastic and I would be very appreciative.


Re: Designing Typefaces Using Processing.
Reply #11 - Feb 19th, 2008, 10:00pm
Thanks for the messsage Jarl, I'll look into it and let you know if I work anything out.

Next question is I am looking at the patterns created when put through a animation created by progessing.  I have a code that creates a pattern that I like but it always starts at the top left hand corner so I can't see the whole pattern.  I want it to appear in the center.

If anyone could look at my code and see where I'm going wrong that would be fantastic.


Re: Designing Typefaces Using Processing.
Reply #12 - Feb 19th, 2008, 10:01pm
Anyway this is the code:

float beginX = 20.0;
float beginY = 10.0;
float endX = 70.0;
float endY = 80.0;
float distX;
float distY;
float exponent = 3.0;
float x = 0.50;
float y = 0.50;
float step = 0.01;
float pct = 0.0;
int direction = 1;
PFont font;
//String letters = "";
float angle = 200.200;

void setup() {
 size (400, 400);
 font = loadFont ("HelveticaNeue-48.vlw");
 textFont (font);
 distX = endX - beginX;
 distY = endY - beginY;

void draw(){
 fill (255, 2);
 rect (0, 0, width, height);
 pct += step * direction;
 if ((pct > 1.0) || (pct < 0.0)){
   direction = direction * -1;
 if (direction == 1) {
   x = beginX + (pct * distX);
   float e = pow(pct, exponent);
   y = beginY + (e * distY);
 } else {
   x = beginX + (pct * distX);
   float e = pow(1.0-pct, exponent*2);
   y = beginY + (e * -distY) + distY;
 fill (0);
 angle = angle + 0.02;
 translate (70, 40);
 text ("A", x, y);
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