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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpOther Libraries › Starting an apple script. Cant't find library
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Starting an apple script. Cant't find library (Read 1220 times)
Starting an apple script. Cant't find library
Feb 1st, 2008, 3:29pm
I'm using  the following:

import com.apple.cocoa.foundation.*;


NSAppleScript shutdownComputer = new NSAppleScript( "tell application \"Finder\" to shut down" );

It can run an apple script to shut down my installation. It works fine if I run it out of the Processing IDE, but if I export it as an application, I get the following error message:

java.lang.NoClassFoundError: com/apple/cocoa/foundation/NSAppleScript

I've googled all over m but fouond no solution. Any ideas?


Re: Starting an apple script. Cant't find library
Reply #1 - Feb 1st, 2008, 3:58pm
you can run it as shell script:


void setup()
shellExec("osascript -e \"tell application \\\"Finder\\\" to display dialog \\\"hello processing!\\\"\"");

Vector shellExec ( String command )
return shellExec ( new String[]{ "/bin/bash", "-c", command } );

Vector shellExec ( String[] command )
Vector lines = new Vector();
try {
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec ( command );

BufferedReader inBufferedReader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader ( process.getInputStream() ) );
BufferedReader errBufferedReader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader ( process.getErrorStream() ) );

String line, eline;
while ( (line = inBufferedReader.readLine() ) != null && !errBufferedReader.ready() )
if ( errBufferedReader.ready() ) {
while ( (eline = errBufferedReader.readLine() ) != null )
println( eline );
return null;
int exitVal = process.waitFor();

inBufferedReader.close(); process.getInputStream().close();
errBufferedReader.close(); process.getErrorStream().close();
catch (Exception e)
return null;

return lines;

"osascript -e" lets you run applescripts directly from the shell ..

Re: Starting an apple script. Cant't find library
Reply #2 - Feb 1st, 2008, 6:32pm
Thanks very much. that did the trick.

more generally however, if I import an apple java library such as com.apple.cocoa.foundation, why does it work when the app is started from the IDE, but not from the exported app. Is there a way to make exported apps find these libraries?


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