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ezGestures library (Read 5176 times)
ezGestures library
Jan 21st, 2008, 4:51pm
hello all,

i've been working on a mouse gestures library for a few months and it's finally ready for testing. i'd appreciate any comments, suggestions, feature ideas, ...

download, doc, and examples: http://www.silentlycrashing.net/ezgestures/

and it will work with a wiimote soon...

Re: ezGestures library
Reply #1 - Jan 25th, 2008, 4:04am
Very interesting. I like the blob example very much. What I don't understand is what is a PostGestureAnalyzer? What's then intent here? Is this simply resetting things to be ready for the next gesture?

I wish I had time to play with this right now. Eventually I know I will use it as I am addicted to my gestures in Firefox. I am working on a zooming graphical interface to WordNet and the gestures will be of great value in that context.
Re: ezGestures library
Reply #2 - Jan 25th, 2008, 10:00pm

There are currently 2 types of GestureListeners, "concurrent" and "post":

1. ConcurrentXXXListeners try to match the gesture to the pattern while the gesture is still being performed. This means that a gesture can be recognized and acted upon before the button is released. This is how the blob example works.

2. PostXXXListeners try to match the gesture to the pattern after the gesture is complete. That means after the button is released. This is how the figure-8 example works.

I'd be very interested to see what you come up with!
Re: ezGestures library
Reply #3 - Jan 27th, 2008, 11:56am
That is pretty amazing.. thanks for this!!
Re: ezGestures library
Reply #4 - Aug 1st, 2008, 3:02am
Hi, just came across this library and it looks great! I was wondering what would it take to get it analyzing something other than mouse or wiimote (e.g. custom points from computer vision algorithms)?

I'm guessing I need to extend GestureAnalyzer? I had a look at the MouseGestureAnalyzer and WiimoteGestureAnalyzer codes, and it seems I need to do start and stop with a Point, and also every time my tracking point moves, call update with a Point. That seems straight forward enough, but is there anything else I need to do as well?
Re: ezGestures library
Reply #5 - Aug 1st, 2008, 12:56pm
Hey Memo,

No, that's pretty much it! I have a GestureAnalyzer that I'm using for a multi-touch system I'm developing, so if you run into any problems, I could probably help you figure it out.


Re: ezGestures library
Reply #6 - Aug 1st, 2008, 1:02pm
ah cool, thats pretty much I'm starting with right now... gestureanalyzer for tuio/rectivision... looks quite straightforward actually..

on a slightly different note, is it possible to setup the listener so that it listens to the last xxx gestures instead of only from the start?

E.g. if my pattern is LRDU, and I do DURLRDU it should still detect? I'm usig concurrent but only detects if the gesture is the first thing I do when I click.
Re: ezGestures library
Reply #7 - Aug 1st, 2008, 1:10pm
You can just set up the pattern to ignore what's at the beginning and only look at the end: LRDU$
Or you could also tell it to look for LRDU anywhere in the string: LRDU (without the $).
Does that work?
Re: ezGestures library
Reply #8 - Aug 1st, 2008, 7:15pm
Hi Elie, i'm reading up on RegEx, I tried just LRDU and LRDU$ but neither of them work for detecting a few moves after the mouse is clicked...  i wasn't sure if it was my lack of knowledge on RegEx, or something in the listener engine... if you can get that to work, pls lemme know how!! cheers,
Re: ezGestures library
Reply #9 - Aug 6th, 2008, 6:20pm
hey memo,
i got it to work using the following pattern: (L|R|D|U)*LRDU
it means "any combination of L, R, D, or U that ends with LRDU
Re: ezGestures library
Reply #10 - Nov 8th, 2008, 8:52pm
Hello all!

I'm trying to develop a Processing application that will track a face and then, through that, control the mouse coordinates.

I was thinking about using the ezgestures library to interpret some movements from the mouse cursor... It seems possible. Is it?

I'm working on Windows Vista 32 bits.

Another thing is, where can I find some examples of use of this library? I've downloaded the package but I can't get any examples from that... I've added ezgestures to the libraries folder but when I try to open some example with Processing, there is none listed Sad

Any help on this subject would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much in advance!

Best regards,
Re: ezGestures library
Reply #11 - Nov 8th, 2008, 10:28pm
Hi Filipe,

I think the library will be good for what you are trying to do. There are a couple of examples on the "official" website at http://www.silentlycrashing.net/ezgestures/

Let me know if you have any more questions, I'll be glad to help.


Re: ezGestures library
Reply #12 - Jan 9th, 2009, 7:27pm
hi Prisoner John,

you mentioned having " a GestureAnalyzer  for a multi-touch system "
Any sketch available ?

I would love to test that !

Keep in *touch
Re: ezGestures library
Reply #13 - Jan 12th, 2009, 3:12pm
hey jimi,
i don't have anything available out-of-the-box since i just changed computers and we're in the middle of making our multi-touch system a little more robust, but it basically consisted of sending the point data to the GestureAnalyzer using the start(), update(), and stop() methods (see http://silentlycrashing.net/ezgestures/doc/net/silentlycrashing/gestures/GestureAnalyzer.html).
i do have a video though Smiley http://vimeo.com/219352

Re: ezGestures library
Reply #14 - Apr 9th, 2009, 1:51am
Hi Elie and ezGesturers,

The library is really cool!

My question is similar to memo's (Reply #4): Can I use GestureAnalyzer to analyze custom points other than the mouse and wiimote? Should I do it on Java or Processing?

What is the parameter "min - the minimum offset" in the constructor GestureAnalyzer(PApplet parent, int min)?

How can I feed the points to the GestureAnalyzer?

thanks!  Kiss
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