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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpIntegration › Command line args or standard in
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Command line args or standard in? (Read 1140 times)
Command line args or standard in?
Dec 22nd, 2007, 4:01am
When using an exported EXE, is it possible to pass and use command line arguments? Alternatively, is it possible to use standard in or standard out inside generated EXE programs? Ideally, I would like to pipe data from another program to Processing.

Re: Command line args or standard in?
Reply #1 - Dec 28th, 2007, 12:17am
Hi you can use this. Forgot where I found it...


import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

public class SysCommandExecutor
private ILogDevice fOuputLogDevice = null;
private ILogDevice fErrorLogDevice = null;
private String fWorkingDirectory = null;
private List fEnvironmentVarList = null;

private StringBuffer fCmdOutput = null;
private StringBuffer fCmdError = null;
private AsyncStreamReader fCmdOutputThread = null;
private AsyncStreamReader fCmdErrorThread = null;

public void setOutputLogDevice(ILogDevice logDevice)
fOuputLogDevice = logDevice;

public void setErrorLogDevice(ILogDevice logDevice)
fErrorLogDevice = logDevice;

public void setWorkingDirectory(String workingDirectory) {
fWorkingDirectory = workingDirectory;

public void setEnvironmentVar(String name, String value)
if( fEnvironmentVarList == null )
fEnvironmentVarList = new ArrayList();

fEnvironmentVarList.add(new EnvironmentVar(name, value));

public String getCommandOutput() {
return fCmdOutput.toString();

public String getCommandError() {
return fCmdError.toString();

public int runCommand(String commandLine) throws Exception
/* run command */
Process process = runCommandHelper(commandLine);

/* start output and error read threads */
startOutputAndErrorReadThreads(process.getInputStream(), process.getErrorStream());

/* wait for command execution to terminate */
int exitStatus = -1;
try {
exitStatus = process.waitFor();

} catch (Throwable ex) {
throw new Exception(ex.getMessage());

} finally {
/* notify output and error read threads to stop reading */

return exitStatus;

private Process runCommandHelper(String commandLine) throws IOException
Process process = null;
if( fWorkingDirectory == null )
process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(commandLine, getEnvTokens());
process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(commandLine, getEnvTokens(), new File(fWorkingDirectory));

return process;

private void startOutputAndErrorReadThreads(InputStream processOut, InputStream processErr)
fCmdOutput = new StringBuffer();
fCmdOutputThread = new AsyncStreamReader(processOut, fCmdOutput, fOuputLogDevice, "OUTPUT");

fCmdError = new StringBuffer();
fCmdErrorThread = new AsyncStreamReader(processErr, fCmdError, fErrorLogDevice, "ERROR");

private void notifyOutputAndErrorReadThreadsToStopReading()

private String[] getEnvTokens()
if( fEnvironmentVarList == null )
return null;

String[] envTokenArray = new String[fEnvironmentVarList.size()];
Iterator envVarIter = fEnvironmentVarList.iterator();
int nEnvVarIndex = 0;
while (envVarIter.hasNext() == true)
EnvironmentVar envVar = (EnvironmentVar)(envVarIter.next());
String envVarToken = envVar.fName + "=" + envVar.fValue;
envTokenArray[nEnvVarIndex++] = envVarToken;

return envTokenArray;

class AsyncStreamReader extends Thread
private StringBuffer fBuffer = null;
private InputStream fInputStream = null;
private String fThreadId = null;
private boolean fStop = false;
private ILogDevice fLogDevice = null;

private String fNewLine = null;

public AsyncStreamReader(InputStream inputStream, StringBuffer buffer, ILogDevice logDevice, String threadId)
fInputStream = inputStream;
fBuffer = buffer;
fThreadId = threadId;
fLogDevice = logDevice;

fNewLine = System.getProperty("line.separator");

public String getBuffer() {
return fBuffer.toString();

public void run()
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
//ex.printStackTrace(); //DEBUG

private void readCommandOutput() throws IOException
BufferedReader bufOut = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fInputStream));
String line = null;
while ( (fStop == false) && ((line = bufOut.readLine()) != null) )
fBuffer.append(line + fNewLine);
//printToConsole("END OF: " + fThreadId); //DEBUG

public void stopReading() {
fStop = true;

private void printToDisplayDevice(String line)
if( fLogDevice != null )

private synchronized void printToConsole(String line) {

class EnvironmentVar
public String fName = null;
public String fValue = null;

public EnvironmentVar(String name, String value)
fName = name;
fValue = value;

Re: Command line args or standard in?
Reply #2 - Dec 28th, 2007, 12:17am
and the comments for it

* Usage of following class can go as ...
* <P><PRE><CODE>
* SysCommandExecutor cmdExecutor = new SysCommandExecutor();
* cmdExecutor.setOutputLogDevice(new LogDevice());
* cmdExecutor.setErrorLogDevice(new LogDevice());
* int exitStatus = cmdExecutor.runCommand(commandLine);
* </CODE></PRE></P>
* OR
* <P><PRE><CODE>
* SysCommandExecutor cmdExecutor = new SysCommandExecutor();
* int exitStatus = cmdExecutor.runCommand(commandLine);
* String cmdError = cmdExecutor.getCommandError();
* String cmdOutput = cmdExecutor.getCommandOutput();
* </CODE></PRE></P>
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