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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSyntax Questions › get the text height
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get the text height (Read 1685 times)
get the text height
Nov 24th, 2007, 9:59pm

Let's say I have a String that comes from an XML file and I want to draw a rect behind it.

To use rect, I need to specify a height and width.

How can I get the height of a String when I specify a specific width?


Re: get the text height
Reply #1 - Nov 25th, 2007, 2:45am

textWidth() gets the width of the text.

text height is the size of the text (the one you set in textFont() or createFont()), they're measured in units of pixels.
Re: get the text height
Reply #2 - Nov 25th, 2007, 3:36am
just tried it... what i wrote above about the text-height is wrong. you need to use textAscent() to get a more accurate height of your text.
Re: get the text height
Reply #3 - Nov 25th, 2007, 4:57am

Thanks for the reply but that's not what I meant.

Let's say I have a String of a textWidth() equal to 500 and I display in a text box with a width of 100.
text(myString, posX, posY, 100, height) 

The text will wrap to the specified with.

I want to get the exact height of the text so I can draw a perfect rect behind it (so that the text appears to be in a box)

I created a function that calculates the height of a string but I was just wondering if there was an easier way. I will post my code tomorrow when I get home.

Re: get the text height
Reply #4 - Nov 25th, 2007, 5:27pm
Here's what I came up with.
With works okay...Problem is, it's not pixel perfect accurate. You need to change the lineSpacing variable depending on your font size... It's basically a trial and error exercise! But once you get the right lineSpacing, it will work perfectly no matter the textWidth as long as the fontSize stays the same.

PFont font;
String string = "Processing is an open source programming language and environment for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions.";
int fontSize = 10;
int specificWidth = 150;
int lineSpacing = 2;

int textHeight;

void setup() {

font = createFont("Times New Roman", fontSize);

void draw() {
rect(100,100,specificWidth, calculateTextHeight(string, specificWidth, fontSize, lineSpacing));
text(string, 100,100,specificWidth,1000);

int calculateTextHeight(String string, int specificWidth, int fontSize, int lineSpacing) {
String[] wordsArray;
String tempString = "";
int numLines = 0;
float textHeight;

wordsArray = split(string, " ");

for (int i=0; i < wordsArray.length; i++) {
if (textWidth(tempString + wordsArray[i]) < specificWidth) {
tempString += wordsArray[i] + " ";
else {
tempString = wordsArray[i] + " ";

numLines++; //adds the last line

textHeight = numLines * (textDescent() + textAscent() + lineSpacing);
Re: get the text height
Reply #5 - Nov 25th, 2007, 7:37pm
ok, i see. After a little test it seems like the text functions are not very accurate. The values depend on the font, the renderer and the operating system.

so, if we want pixel accurate text height, we probably need to render it to an image and analyze it pixel by pixel.

import processing.opengl.*;

PFont[] testFonts = new PFont[4];
PFont descFont, currentTestFont;
String string = "Ä{Processing|§°yp,.!W";
int fontSize = 35;
float stringWidth;
float textPosX = 10;
float textPosY;

int textHeight;

void setup() {
 //size(800,300, OPENGL);
 //size(800,300, P3D);

 testFonts[0] = createFont("Times New Roman", fontSize);
 testFonts[1] = createFont("Arial", fontSize);
 testFonts[2] = createFont("Courier", fontSize);
 testFonts[3] = createFont("Verdana", fontSize);
 descFont = createFont("Courier", 12);

 textPosY = height/3*2;

void draw() {

 currentTestFont = testFonts[int(4.0/width*mouseX)];
 fontSize = mouseY;
 textFont(currentTestFont, fontSize);
 stringWidth = textWidth(string);

 float baseline = textPosY;
 float descent = textPosY + textDescent();
 float ascent = textPosY - textAscent();
 float textHeight = textPosY-fontSize;

 text(string, textPosX,textPosY);



 text(currentTestFont.name + ", " + fontSize + "px", 10, height-20);
 // Vertical lines
 line(textPosX, textHeight-20, textPosX, descent+20);
 line(stringWidth+textPosX, textHeight-20, stringWidth+textPosX, descent+20);

 // Baseline
 text("baseline", textPosX+stringWidth+30, baseline);
 line(textPosX,baseline, textPosX+stringWidth, baseline);
 line(textPosX+stringWidth, baseline,textPosX+stringWidth+30, baseline);

 // Descent
 text("descent", textPosX+stringWidth+30, descent+20);
 line(textPosX,descent, textPosX+stringWidth,descent);
 line(textPosX+stringWidth,descent,textPosX+stringWidth+30, descent+20);

 // Fontsize (from baseline)
 text("fontSize from baseline", textPosX+stringWidth+30, textHeight);
 line(textPosX,textHeight,textPosX+stringWidth, textHeight);
 line(textPosX+stringWidth, textHeight,textPosX+stringWidth+30, textHeight);

 // Ascent
 text("ascent", textPosX+stringWidth+30, textHeight-30);
 line(textPosX+stringWidth,ascent,textPosX+stringWidth+30, textHeight-30);
Re: get the text height
Reply #6 - Nov 25th, 2007, 8:19pm
Hmmm... interesting!
Your test clearly demonstrates your conclusions!

In P3D or OPENGL, calculating the text height is more accurate since it converts the text to bitmap.

I will adapt the code I posted earlier to calculate a more precise height of a string when it's wrapped at a specific width.

Thank you for your time. Very appreciated! Smiley
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