I just started using Eclipse with Processing and was trying to make it export an application. I followed the instructions at http://www.mostpixelsever.com/tutorial/eclipse. After using that page's simple test code, I used the Export menu with the "Mac OS X application bundle" option, with the main class as the class that extends PApplet, a suitable app name and folder location, and JVM 1.5. However, when I try to run the exported application, OS X refuses to launch the app because it is 'damaged or incomplete.'
I am not very knowledgeable about the way Java libraries work, so I may be missing something obvious.
Oh, and 'Run as Java Application' works just fine.
Edit: I tried exporting it as a Java applet as well, and that didn't work either, though with different results. It left this error message on the console: "Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from
Any help is greatly appreciated.
My code:
Code:import processing.core.*;
public class ProcessingTestbed extends PApplet{
public static void main(String args[]) {
PApplet.main(new String[] { "--present", "ProcessingTestbed" });
public void setup(){
size(200, 200);
public void draw(){