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IndexDiscussionExhibition › 3D Image Gallery
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3D Image Gallery (Read 6061 times)
3D Image Gallery
Nov 3rd, 2007, 11:39pm
I've been playing around with scenegraphs recently, and this has led to a lot of sketches with buildings and pseduo-VRML worlds (anyone else remember VRML?). I've sort of converged on this, a virtual image gallery.



Re: 3D Image Gallery
Reply #1 - Nov 4th, 2007, 5:04am
nicely done! congrats!Smiley
Re: 3D Image Gallery
Reply #2 - Nov 5th, 2007, 5:05pm
Wow, very cool.  How large are the images you're loading?  

I just want to say again, this is one of the coolest things i've seen done with processing.
Re: 3D Image Gallery
Reply #3 - Nov 5th, 2007, 11:16pm
Well done! The ray-tracing looks really convincing.

I haven't poked around in the source yet. Is this OPENGL in applet form? Signed applet? Or just P3D?
Re: 3D Image Gallery
Reply #4 - Nov 6th, 2007, 7:17am
All, thanks for the comments.

deathbob: the images are 550 on their largest dimension because that's the applet size. I'm assuming you only move towards the image until it fills the screen.

The lightmap for the scene was originally 2048X2048 but I resampled to 512x512 for web delivery (this helped to reduce the sampling noise a little bit).  Plus, the high res version tended to blow the default 64MB memory limit on the JVMs in web browsers.

mflux: This is P3D, although I wish I could use OPENGL -- it supports multitexturing, which would be nice for the lightmap, and I've had to limit my frame size to keep the fps up. Unfortunately, the OPENGL renderer is not quite as user friendly as the internal one.

Also, I wanted to clarify that no actual raytracing in the conventional sense is going on in realtime. The shadows and lighting were calculated in Blender and included as a lightmap (took 7mins to generate the lighting solution!). I'm working on dynamic texture baking, but I've got some more bugs to work out : http://www.screamyguy.net/rayShadowsII/index.htm

Of course, I'm using the raytracing engine to do collision detection. Each time step, one ray is shot down to see where the floor is, and another is shot in the direction of motion to keep the camera from flying through walls. This is nice because it is arbitrary -- you can jump out the ceiling and run around on the roof and crossbeams.
Re: 3D Image Gallery
Reply #5 - Nov 14th, 2007, 12:47am
Terrific job with your 3D Image Gallery!  I would love to learn how you made the galleryIII.mra file.  Would you consider making a tutorial with examples that we could use to be able to make our own virtual world with Processing?
Re: 3D Image Gallery
Reply #6 - Nov 14th, 2007, 8:31am
I would love to learn how you made the galleryIII.mra file.  Would you consider making a tutorial with examples that we could use to be able to make our own virtual world with Processing?

I've made a demo video showing the complete creation of a very basic scene. It's high def (1280px), but vimeo defaults to low def, so make sure you hit the HD button on the right hand side and view full.


Source files are here if you want to play with them.


The python script to export data from Blender is embedded in the scene file. It's actually an old raytracer export script, so most of the buttons on it don't do anything meaningful in this context.  

This demo uses a stripped down version of the gallery script without the image rotation, which requires a lot of hard-coded buffoonery to work.

The galleryIII.mra file was made in a similar fashion, except there are several lightmaps instead of a unified lightmap -- these are the files listed in the *.mrb file. The Processing code will intercept the lightmaps destined for the picture canvases an do some hacky multitexturing to get them to change.

I was going to write some tutorials on lightmap generation and scene management once the library stabilizes -- I'm about to make some minor architectural changes that will break everything.

Also, check out the SAITO object loader on the library page.  If you follow the above video and export your file and textures in an OBJ file, you should be able to import lightmapped scenes and objects into Processing that way.

Re: 3D Image Gallery
Reply #7 - Nov 14th, 2007, 10:31pm
Thanks for your very quick and helpful reply.  You are taking Processing to a new dimension(pun intended).  I look forward to your tutorials on how to make a 3D world then access it with Processing.  Blender is a steep learning curve for me but I will try it.  I have been able to develop on-line free games with Processing that teach kids basic reading and math skills. At my web site, choose Macintosh or Windows and scroll down to the middle of the page:
I would like to develop more kids programs in a threeD world context using Processing.
Re: 3D Image Gallery
Reply #8 - Nov 23rd, 2007, 12:01am
I just want to say this work is fantastic.
You are showing that Processing can be used as a robust 3D rapid prototyping tool (I used to think this was not emphasized much) - keep up the great work!
Re: 3D Image Gallery
Reply #9 - Dec 11th, 2007, 4:47pm
Wow!!! it looks fantastic!!
I would like to know if the sample can be built. I've downloaded the external libraries but when I want to launch the sample I've got an error on the "RenderState" token. Did I miss something ?
Re: 3D Image Gallery
Reply #10 - Dec 13th, 2007, 9:11am
Argh...  I made an architecture change to the library but didn't upload the sources. Renderstate was a container class that I condensed to get rid of some needless dereferences.

If you download the source again, it should compile.

...this library is obviously really unstable right now, so use with caution.
Re: 3D Image Gallery
Reply #11 - Mar 24th, 2010, 6:19pm
sorry to get back an old topic like this, but i have some problems exporting with blender.. anybody else used this 3d gallery?

I get this error:
The constructor Ray(PVector, Tuple3f) is undefined


next to this the script in blender has some lamp.get and exporting problems.

I've allready fixed some problems with the directory stuff in this script, but it still has some problems with the get name.  On irc they said it must be getData
Re: 3D Image Gallery
Reply #12 - Mar 28th, 2010, 12:58pm
nice work, well done
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