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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › position sensitive device
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position sensitive device (Read 489 times)
position sensitive device
Oct 31st, 2007, 6:33pm
Iambeginner.do not succeed this sketch.
I wanana advise.Please???

import processing.opengl.*;
import processing.gainer.*;
import java.lang.Thread;

Gainer gainer;//position sensitive device
PImage img;      
int cellsize = 1;  
int COLS, ROWS;  
class ReceiverThread extends Thread
 void run() {
   while (isAlive()) {

     try {
     } catch (Exception e) {
void setup(){
gainer = new Gainer(this);

size(1000, 646, P3D);
 img = loadImage("yama.jpg");    
 COLS = width/cellsize;            
 ROWS = height/cellsize;          
void draw()
 // Begin loop for columns
 for ( int i = 0; i < COLS;i++) {
   // Begin loop for rows
   for ( int j = 0; j < ROWS;j++) {
     int x = i* gainer.analogInput[0] + cellsize/300; // x position
     int y = j* gainer.analogInput[0] + cellsize/300; // y position
     int loc = x + y*width;          
     color c = img.pixels[loc];      
     float z = ( gainer.analogInput[0] / (float) width) * brightness(img.pixels[loc]) - 300.0f;

void keyPressed() {
Re: position sensitive device
Reply #1 - Oct 31st, 2007, 6:49pm
and what's the problem? what is not working? can you post the errors from the console?

Re: position sensitive device
Reply #2 - Nov 1st, 2007, 1:16am
The check of the device was completed.
It is suspected whether this portion is amusing.
int x = i* gainer.analogInput[0] + cellsize/300; // x position
int y = j* gainer.analogInput[0] + cellsize/300; // y position
int loc = x + y*width;      
color c = img.pixels[loc];  
float z = ( gainer.analogInput[0] / (float) width) * brightness(img.pixels[loc]) - 300.0f;

this is the error message.
Stable Library
Native lib Version = RXTX-2.1-7
Java lib Version   = RXTX-2.1-7

selected port name /dev/cu.usbserial-A500253A
serial port opening ...
Gainer reboot..
Gainer firmware ver.
dev:1.0.1 lib:1.0.0
silent mode
configuration: mode1
Gainer ready to Roll.

selected port name /dev/cu.usbserial-A500253A
serial port opening ...

RXTX uucp_lock() /var/lock/LK.003.009.001 is there

initialize error gnu.io.PortInUseException: Unknown Application

gnu.io.PortInUseException: Unknown Application
  at gnu.io.CommPortIdentifier.open(CommPortIdentifier.java:354)

java.lang.RuntimeException: Error inside Serial.<init>()
  at processing.gainer.Gainer.errorMessage(Gainer.java:687)
  at processing.gainer.Gainer.initialize(Gainer.java:189)
  at processing.gainer.Gainer.<init>(Gainer.java:130)
  at processing.gainer.Gainer.<init>(Gainer.java:92)
  at Temporary_7493_6924.setup(Temporary_7493_6924.java:23)
  at processing.core.PApplet.handleDisplay(PApplet.java:1285)
  at processing.core.PGraphics.requestDisplay(PGraphics.java:680)
  at processing.core.PApplet.run(PApplet.java:1454)
  at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:613)
dispose Gainer ..
Experimental:  JNI_OnLoad called.
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