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mini audio buffer (Read 613 times)
mini audio buffer
Oct 18th, 2007, 8:05pm
i am new to processing and programing/i am using the minim library to play some audios/i would like to knnow how many audiofiles can be played at the same time because i am getting some clicks that sound like buffer is not handling the date very good/i am using a powerbook g4 1.5ghz 512ram and tryin to play 16 short aif files at the same time/i am sure this is not the best way to achieve what i want but just the way i manage to do it with my very little knowledge of processing and minim/
thanx for the help!
Re: mini audio buffer
Reply #1 - Oct 23rd, 2007, 2:03am
Are you using AudioSample objects or AudioPlayer objects to do this? Can you post the code?
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