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Real-time sound recognition (Read 1308 times)
Real-time sound recognition
Oct 4th, 2007, 12:40pm
Hello everybody,

I'm new whit processing and my project consist in real-time sound recognition, for example if I clap my hands the application should be able to recognize that and in execute a determinate action.

My idea was to have a sample to compare whit the input, or by the frequency of the sounds capture in the input.

Is this possible in processing and which is the best library for this case?

Re: Real-time sound recognition
Reply #1 - Oct 10th, 2007, 8:24pm
Hi I'm a beginner in processing, but the library ess can probably help you. On the exemples where you download it, there is a spectrum analyser. I don't know if it's possible to compare the value of preregisrty sound with the value of sound that enter in the microphone. If you suceed I'll interested to know how.

See you later, I hope.

Re: Real-time sound recognition
Reply #2 - Oct 10th, 2007, 9:22pm
yes, as mathieu says, check for example the ess audio-analysis example on how to get FFT frequencies bands values with FFT() and getSpectrum() methods. that may be a good start.

analysing the sound envelop as well as the frequencies band could also help.
Re: Real-time sound recognition
Reply #3 - Oct 11th, 2007, 12:55am
Thanks mathieu.heynen and nikoony

At this moment I'm making research for my report, but I had look into this example http://www.tree-axis.com/Ess/_examples/inputFFT/ and by looking at the values of the averages I think its possible to identify some sounds. I will look into the other example that you advised me and try to see that if there are other ways to identify sounds.
But if you have more advises, please give them...

Re: Real-time sound recognition
Reply #4 - Oct 11th, 2007, 4:49pm
On this page http://www.ecole-art-aix.fr/article409.html there is one other exemple of code that interpret live sound with the ess library. It's in french. An the graphics runs as a diffent way than the other exemple(It runs with Fourier's equation). Let's try and you 'll see.

Re: Real-time sound recognition
Reply #5 - Oct 26th, 2007, 12:35pm
Hi, I have found this example based on octaves, http://www.davebollinger.com/works/p5/fftoctana/. I don´t now if is the best way to identify sounds, but I had done some tests and to the whistle it works fine. The problem is to clapping hands, its very difficult, because there are so many ways of clapping hands and so many inconsistencies for the same way of clapping hands.
So I have think if there is a way of having a some sounds to compare with the micro input. Is this possible in processing? Or you suggest anything else?

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