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Drawing lines just like a pencil... (Read 460 times)
Drawing lines just like a pencil...
Oct 2nd, 2007, 5:58am

I have been playing around with the beginings of a drawing project and have tried to code up something that feels and acts quite close to 'real' drawing.

The main problems with this I found were the rate with which the mouse/tablet date comes in. That is, when the cursor is not moving much you get a lot of unnecessary points and when it is moving fast you get too few points and thus ugly kinks.

When there are too many points I just ignore them until the cursor has moved N pixels away. And when there are not enough points I use the curve() function to smooth the lines. This has the downside of always being a frame behind as it need the latest XY as guides - but maybe there is a workaround for that.

So I just wanted to offer up my code for anyone to have a play with and possibly make some suggestions about more efficient or effective ways of doing this.



int[] xx = new int[4];
int[] yy = new int[4];

int inc = 0;
int now;
// Minimum space between points
int space = 5;
// When to start smoothing the lines
int curving = 7;

void setup() {
 size(800, 600);
void draw() {

void mousePressed() {
 xx[0] = mouseX;
 yy[0] = mouseY;
 inc = 1;

void mouseDragged() {
 now = inc % 4;
 // When there have been 4 sets of points inputted...
 if (inc < 4){
   xx[now] = mouseX;
   yy[now] = mouseY;
   if(inc < 3) {
     // Draw the first section with straight lines  
     line(mouseX, mouseY, pmouseX, pmouseY);
 } else {
   // Calculate the movement since the last point was added
   int movement = abs(mouseX - xx[3]) + abs(mouseY - yy[3]);
   // If there is movement then draw another point
   if(movement > space) {
     // Shift the array values over for the next curve and add the new mouseXY
     xx[0] = xx[1];
     xx[1] = xx[2];
     xx[2] = xx[3];
     xx[3] = mouseX;

     yy[0] = yy[1];
     yy[1] = yy[2];
     yy[2] = yy[3];
     yy[3] = mouseY;
     if (movement > curving) {
       // When there is more movement (and thus fewer points) smooth the line to avoid kinks
       curve(xx[0], yy[0], xx[1], yy[1], xx[2], yy[2], xx[3], yy[3]);
     } else {
       // Draw normal point to point line when movement is slow
       line(xx[1], yy[1], xx[2], yy[2]);


void mouseReleased() {
 // Draw the last section as a straight line and not a curve
 line(xx[2], yy[2], xx[3], yy[3]);
 inc = 0;

void keyReleased() {
 case DELETE:

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