hi, everyone
when i use PDF export function, (http://processing.org/learning/libraries/oneframe.html)
it seems that the picture has been anti-aliased, or a bit blured(?) automatically. it feels like a screen shot..
is it normal?
for example, the edges of my squares are all rounded very clean...
import processing.pdf.*;
size(500, 500);
beginRecord(PDF, "line.pdf");
//stroke (255);
//number of shapes in colunms and rows
int cols = 5;
int rows = 5;
//value of white spaces in col and rows?
//negative value makes it inversed, becuase there's no space between lines
int xPadding = 100;
int yPadding = 100;
//initialize the x, y postion for the lines
float w = (width-xPadding)/cols;
float h = (height-yPadding)/rows;
//initialize the left, right spaces between shapes
float colSpan = (width-cols*w)/(cols+1);
float rowSpan = (height-rows*h)/(rows+1);
float x=colSpan;
float y;
for (int i = 0; i<rows; i++){
//why initialize x value here?? x has to repeat and y not???
y = rowSpan;
for (int j = 0; j<cols; j++){
//first two value x, y is the initial position of the first shape
//why initial y value is declared outside of the loop??
line(x, y, x+w, y);
line(x+w, y, x+w, y+h);
line(x+w, y+h, x, y+h);
line(x, y+h, x, y);
y += h+rowSpan;
//if i delete this, only one rows drawing
//either col or rows has to be initial value for other to repeat the whole structure
how this PDF export function works really?
there's a lose of quality in any sort?
do you guys use this function for print?
i saw some printed materials done by Processing and the quality was super, (one of REAS stuff.) is he using this function to export his works then print?
many thanks,