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Processing and Sysex (Read 688 times)
Processing and Sysex
Sep 27th, 2007, 8:21am
wondering if theres any librarys out there that will let me receive and send sysex via processing? looked at ProMIDI but doesnt look like theres any Sysex functions. just ccs, notes and prog changes.
If thee are not any Libs out there would anyone know of a way to send and recieve Sysex messages?

Thanks in advance
Re: Processing and Sysex
Reply #1 - Oct 11th, 2007, 12:06am
I ran into a similar problem when I wanted to syncronize my sketch with the MIDI time code.  I ended up building the MIDI stuff myself which was annoying, but not all that difficult.  Check out the following java reference for the javax.sound.midi package, it's what I used and it appears to support sysex messages:

Re: Processing and Sysex
Reply #2 - Nov 2nd, 2007, 11:57am
thanks alot for the lead. looking into it now.
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