Just to rule some possibilities out, here some more information after some tests:
- The X server logs contain no errors. Everything besides the processing issue works fine.
- I get no high CPU load on the X server if the skretch uses OpenGL ([1] for example, uses less that 2% CPU for the whole system)
- I do not get high CPU loads with other (not processing-based) Java applets that do animations: None of [2], [3] and [4] uses more than 10% CPU.
- The >90% CPU usage on the X server is still present for non-OpenGL animated sketches like [5] (Just to make sure I'm not hallucinating
- I have not found anything about problems with high CPU load on the X server while using Java programs on the net or the Gentoo forums. The Gentoo forums are currently read-only for maintenance reasons, so I couldn't ask for help there.
For these reasons, this looks like a "processing + linux" issue, may it could of course "only" be a "processing + gentoo" or "processing + my x server version" or something like this. I'd really appreciate it if other people who run processing on linux could report if they encountered similar problems.
I also tried to download older versions of processing to check if they cause the same problem, but they have been removed from the server -- Is there a place one can still download them?
[1] http://processing.org/learning/3d/cubeswithincube.html
[2] http://www.colorstereo.com/applets/undrpool.apl/poolwave.html
[3] http://www.atmo.arizona.edu/products/wximagery/usradar.html
[4] http://johnbokma.com/Wave2/
[5] http://processing.org/learning/topics/spore1.html