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IndexProcessing DevelopmentLibraries,  Tool Development › wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
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wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha (Read 93302 times)
Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #150 - Nov 21st, 2008, 9:42pm
Hey Classiclll,
Thanks for the reply!!! I´m really struggling to get this thing going, but nothing works for me yet...
I tried to push the button inside of the battery case but it did not connect. Could it be some problem with my bluetooth dongle?
I did connect the wii already with different other apps, like the Flash Server and Wiimote or Glovepie not using Java.

But I would really like to use the combination with processing to output the data in midi format and use it on a motion capture controller.
I already got all the stuff that i need in processing, I just need to connect the wii to get going.

My bluetooth dongle runs on the windows stack right now.
Blue soleil also works fine, but the  broadcom software mentioned earlier in this post does not respond to the dongle, so I don´t know if that is the reason for not connecting.
But as I said I could connect via blue soleil to other apps, just the java apps are not running.

I also removed the blueclove.jar from the library...

Any ideas?

Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #151 - Nov 22nd, 2008, 9:59pm
Heeeeey, I got it!!!
It was my dongle, I got me a new one from broadcom and installed the WIDCOMM drivers, now it all works out perfect.
Thanks for the documentation here and at the WiiLi forum, it helped a lot.
I´really happy now!!!


Any good sketches for ir tracking, I need to get the x and y coordinates to send them over to my 3D app, I did it with a webcam already using the JMyron libs and was happy with it, I´m hoping to get way faster results on the wii and hope to connect multiple in the future to get full 3D tracking!!!
Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #152 - Nov 23rd, 2008, 1:38pm
Heeeeey, I got it!!!
welcome to the acceleration world! i hope you enjoy.
Widdcomm may support the broadcom's BT chipset, so someone will be unhappy state.

Any good sketches for ir tracking, I need to get the x and y coordinates to send them over to my 3D app, I did it with a webcam already using the JMyron libs and was happy with it, I´m hoping to get way faster results on the wii and hope to connect multiple in the future to get full 3D tracking!!!
the IRinformation from the remote is the set of 2D location (and size), you know.
the dots are detected by the remotes "blob detection algorithm" on it's hardware, and remote can distinct at most 4 dots.(1st dot is on left-top most one on the remote's IRcamera.)

one of mapping implmentation of the Jonny Lee's whiteboad is here

and, 3D tracking with 2 remotes is my current interest.
some ploblems, like caribration/estimation of remotes position (solving three 2nd-orderd equations), and getting the cosspoint of two beams, are solved but no all.
the answer of the second problem is

i hope these help you.
Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #153 - Nov 23rd, 2008, 2:32pm
Hey Classiclll,
Everything works fine, but I do have problems reconnecting the wii. Once it is kicked out I have to reboot or it won't connect again...
Do you think I should try another dongle or is this a known issue on every BT dongle?

I checked your links and I also found this little IR test sketch of yours which is perfect for me. I would really like to have full 3D tracking but first of all I want to get going on a 2D basis it will make it easier to sort out mistakes.
Keep me updated on your progress, what are you planing to do with the full 3D tracking?

Tahnks again XXX
Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #154 - Nov 23rd, 2008, 3:28pm
but I do have problems reconnecting the wii. Once it is kicked out I have to reboot or it won't connect again...
is your problem
0. needs the wii reboot to reconnect?
  you might need the (re-)pairing by pushing the red button.
1. needs the PC reboot to reconnect?
  is your os vista? then try the newest WIDCOMM and feedback me, if you can.
2. needs the sketch reboot to reconnect?
  i don't design the wrj4P5 ready for reconnection, because of the draw loop of the processing.

for 3D tracking things, the following is my target.
Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #155 - Nov 24th, 2008, 11:19am
Hey Classiclll,
I´m really cool about things and happy the I am finally able to connect the Wii and processing, but to get things sorted out and stable you might be interested in things happening...

The Problem is 1., but I´m running XP and got the WIDCOMM drivers from the site you mentioned over at the WiiLi forum, directly from


if I get disconnect and try to connect again I get the following

avetanaBluetooth version 1.3.18a
!! There may be no USB dongle/device. !!

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Bluetooth failed to initialize. There is probably a problem with your local Bluetooth stack or API.
at wiiremotej.WiiRemoteJ.<clinit>(WiiRemoteJ.java:73)
at lll.wrj4P5.Wrj4P5.connect(Wrj4P5.java:279)
at lll.wrj4P5.Wrj4P5.connect(Wrj4P5.java:269)
at lll.wrj4P5.Wrj4P5.connect(Wrj4P5.java:260)
at JMyron_Wii_midio.setup(JMyron_Wii_midio.java:44)
at processing.core.PApplet.handleDraw(PApplet.java:1371)
at processing.core.PApplet.run(PApplet.java:1299)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Caused by: javax.bluetooth.BluetoothStateException: license not valid for address 00-00-00-00-00-00
at javax.bluetooth.LocalDevice.<init>(LocalDevice.java:60)
at javax.bluetooth.LocalDevice.getLocalDevice(LocalDevice.java:72)
at wiiremotej.WiiRemoteJ.<clinit>(WiiRemoteJ.java:66)
... 7 more
Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #156 - Nov 24th, 2008, 11:32am
I am really new to BT communication, but it seems like the WIDCOMM driver is getting kicked out once the Wii gets disconnect.
One strange thing I noticed is two BT symbols in the Windows taskbar, this could be the problem (driver conflict).
Do I need to manually uninstall the BT drivers that are implemented within Windows?

Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #157 - Nov 24th, 2008, 3:43pm
hi MobyDick.
although vista, the following link may help you, i hope.
Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #158 - Nov 24th, 2008, 8:16pm
Hey Classiclll,
Here is something that might be of interest if you haven't found it already...



I'll go check your link anyway. It would be nice to get this thing going on vista driven hardware!

I´m really happy that I can go experiment with the Wii now, hopefully I can get it stable so I don't have to reboot all the time!!

Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #159 - Nov 24th, 2008, 8:37pm
Here is a link to a usefull plugin considering workflow from processing to Maya, just in case...

Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #160 - Nov 26th, 2008, 8:28pm
OK, just in case anybody had the same problem that I had...
This link is a How To on connecting Widcomm to the Wii, I just did not do it propperly so if you follow this procedure you are set.

Thanks to everybody helping me out XXX

Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #161 - Jan 10th, 2009, 11:16am
Hello all

I am running leopard on a PowerbookG4, and I have the libraries setup:

Bluecove 2.1.0
WiiRemoteJ 1.5

the libraries are working just fine, and this thread has really helped out.

My problem is this, every time I run the example:

import lll.wrj4P5.*;
import lll.Loc.*;
Wrj4P5 wii;
LinkedList p = new LinkedList();

void setup() {
 wii=new Wrj4P5(this).connect();

void draw() {
 if (wii.isConnecting()) return;
 if (p.size()>200) p.removeLast();
 for (int i=0;i<p.size();i++) {
   Loc pt=(Loc)p.get(i);

My problem is getting the bluetooth to work and see the wiimote. I get this on the print:

BlueCove version 2.1.0 on mac
trying to find a wii

The wiimote keeps blinking and never connects.

I removed the bluecove-2.1.0.jar to try to break it, but it still functioned! Can I get some help, I really need help quick too!


Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #162 - Jan 11th, 2009, 11:50am
hi arakourchians.arakourchians wrote on Jan 10th, 2009, 11:16am:
I am running leopard on a PowerbookG4, and I have the libraries setup:
My problem is
:The wiimote keeps blinking and never connects.

I removed the bluecove-2.1.0.jar to try to break it, but it still functioned!
my bluecove is 2.0.3, but 2.1.0 may run well.

Cha0s (the author of the WiiremoteJ) says the PPC user must always remove  the wiiremote entry from the BT utility before each re-run, because of Apple's java implimentation bug.
would you try it
Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #163 - Jan 12th, 2009, 6:06am
So I replaced the bluecove-2.1.0.jar with bluecove-2.0.3.jar. After removing the wiimote from the bluetooth settings, I then run it again. The output print still says bluecove 2.1.0! I don't know what to do, is there some sort of cache that has loaded 2.1.0 and is not refreshing it with 2.0.3?
Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #164 - Jan 12th, 2009, 1:08pm
i've confirmed your point, never connect with bluecove2.1.0 on PPC leopard.
and unstable on the first connect with bluecove2.0.3,  than tiger.

but with replacing the jar and restarting the processing, the processing always uses the correct version.
pls check your classpath whether 2 or more bluecove's jar on your mac?
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