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IndexProcessing DevelopmentLibraries,  Tool Development › wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
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wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha (Read 93288 times)
Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #15 - Sep 29th, 2007, 2:18pm
ok, guess i got all the librarys in the right folders. the applets runs and waits for a wii remote. but even glovePIE does not find the controller. Bluesoleil does find it but can not connect. got a cheap bluetooth dongle from ebay, are there any standard drivers that would bring it to run.

i absolutely want it to run.
greetz ramin
Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #16 - Oct 1st, 2007, 2:25pm
sorry, i have a narrow knowledge and experience.
these may be help for you.
Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #17 - Oct 1st, 2007, 8:25pm
YES. it works!

p.s. i hope your visit at hospital was well

Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #18 - Oct 1st, 2007, 11:53pm
thank you, ramin. i hope you enjoy.
Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #19 - Oct 2nd, 2007, 2:37am
hi Classiclll.
yes im starting to test it. its fun.
can you explain how i get buttonInputs in my p5 program.
your WiiRimokon class has isJustPressed(WRButtonEvent evt).
a WRButtonEvent needs a WiiRemote in its constructor. but i cant get it. it does not seem so simple to me. and you see have looked into your classes and read in wiiremoteJ API.
Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #20 - Oct 2nd, 2007, 4:11am
this may be help for you,
or, new request to me?
Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #21 - Oct 6th, 2007, 8:07pm
now Wrj4P5-002 released.
jars & codes & How-To->
new sample sketch ->
[added] http://www.geocities.jp/classiclll_newweb/P5aber/applet/index.html

* added a new constructor
  * wrj4P5(PApplet parent, boolean mode)
    * mode==Wrj4P5.IR -- IRSenserMode (no extention input)
    * mode==Wrj4P5.EX-- ExtensionMode (no IRInfomation)
    default is EX-mode [changed!]
* added 3 methods to [for your sketch] events
   * ButtonReleased(RimokonEvent evt, int rid)
   * NunchakuReleased(NunchakuEvent evt, int rid)
   * KurekonReleased(KurakonEvent ev, int rid)
* The 6(3+3) [for your sketch] methods now run as a thread.
* Typo correction. senced->sensed, senced is still available.
Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #22 - Nov 9th, 2007, 2:19pm
Tips of WiiRemoteJ (Java Library for WiiRemote) is here


JSR82 implimentations and bluetooth stacks for each platform.
(MacOSX / Windows / Linux)
Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #23 - Nov 30th, 2007, 11:44pm
I have installed the latest jars, and I get a compiler error if I uncomment the line   Wrj4P5 mywii;

import lll.wrj4P5.*;

Wrj4P5 mywii;  // this causes compiler error

void setup() {
void draw() {
Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #24 - Dec 1st, 2007, 2:28am
hi  magpieindustries.
would you please post the message, your OS, your jre version?

Wrj4P5 needs JRE1.5+, WiiRemoteJ, and JSR82 Lib(like avetana).

setup tips also can be referred on
Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #25 - Dec 2nd, 2007, 1:20pm
Classiclll wrote on Aug 12th, 2007, 4:24pm:
  Only for Windows, a free JSR82 implimentaion library becomes available.
  The BlueCove can be get from
   Rename bluecove-2.0.1.jar to avetanabluetooth.jar, and put the proper position instead of avetana.  My all skeches run well.

  *I'm looking for another proper implementation of bluetooth(JSR82) for OSX.

no renaming needed.


BlueCove announced that the osx version will be abailable until Christmas.
Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #26 - Dec 5th, 2007, 2:27pm
Konichiwa ( hello ? )

I use glovepie with Ableton live to use for my music set ( playing in slovenia in march ). Glovepie is cool but really to limited.
I was waiting for a lib for processing to get serious with this wiimote and I am glad that someone started it. Thanks a lot!

But I can't get it working. I am using a pc ( XP ), processing 125 and I think the last version of java, as the thing seems to update on is own, I found that I was using 1.6.0_03. Does that make sense?
I 've put the two libraries ( loc and wrj4P5 ) in processing as follow:
processing/libraries/lll/loc/( the jar ) and processing/libraries/lll/wrj4P5/( the jar ).
I've also put WiiRemoteJ and bluecove-2.0.1 in processing/java/lib/ext/
I am trying to use your exemple P5aber to see if everything works.

So, I get a simple error message as processing doesn't find the classpath to the loc and wjr4P5 libraries. I don't even see them in the import menu.
I check all the posts here and one the wii forum.

If one of you who managed to make it work on there pc could help me I would be greatfull. Thanks.
Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #27 - Dec 6th, 2007, 1:17pm
Ok, after searching and testing I finally did make it work.

So for those like me who don't really know much about java and are on XP, ( please correct me if I write something wrong and stupid ):

1/ Download Java 1.5 ( http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index_jdk5.jsp ), the first one in the list. On the processing website they seems to say NOT tu use 1.5 and stick to 1.4 ( http://processing.org/reference/environment/platforms.html#java ). You decide. Install it.

2/ Download processing for windows without java.

3/ Download: wrj4P5.zip and wrj4P5.jar, loc.zip and loc.jar, WiiRemoteJ and bluecove-2.0.1.

In the WiiRemoteJ read-me file they say that you need to put the two files ( WiiRemoteJ.jar and bluecove-2.0.1.) in java/lib/ext/(jar). Well don't. Didn't work for me and I think it's for if you are using something else then processing.

4/ In processing/libraries/ create two folders: wrj4P5 and Loc.

4a/ In the wrj4P5 folder put what is in wrj4P5.zip, create another folder named library in the wrj4P5 folder and put: WiiRemoteJ.jar,  bluecove-2.0.1.jar, wrj4P5.jar and loc.jar
4b/ In the Loc folder put what's in loc.zip, create a library folder and put the loc.jar into it.

5/ Plug you'r bt usb device. For the bt thing I can really remember how I manage it when I first started using the wiimote with glovepie. I remember I had to download a bluetooth software/driver, not blueSoleil. BlueSoleil didn't work for me. Normally after you have sorted the bluethooth thing you should have a nintendo device in your bluethooth list. You don't have to connect ( is it the right way to say it? ), the bluecove/WiiRemoteJ will handle it.

6/ Download Classiclll's exemple ( http://www.geocities.jp/classiclll_newweb/P5aber/applet/index.html ). By the way would be nice Classiclll to have the sound that the sketch use. But I imagine we can replace them with others but there's a lot of them. And if you don't have them nothing will happen when the skecth runs.
update: use this one instead so at leat you have something ( http://www.geocities.jp/classiclll_newweb/MyFirstWii/applet/index.html )

7/ Start your sketch, when asked press button 1&2. That's it.

I don't know yet about coding problems, issues and all the thing about programing your project but at least I manage to get it working and I will start coding, ouf!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS A LOT Classiclll and Chaos !!!!!!!!!!!!!

ps: could be usefull, https://sourceforge.jp/projects/wrj4p5/document/Wrj4P5/en/1/Wrj4P5.txt
Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #28 - Dec 6th, 2007, 3:20pm
Konbanwa TM.

nice and valuable feedback. thank you.

btw >I imagine we can replace them with others but there's a lot of them.
this jar includes sound files(gotten from WiiSaber)
after unzip of this jar, you can find the sound files in the data folder.

again, thank you.

p.s. nice your blog!
Re: wrj4P5, WiiRemote P5 Library - Alpha
Reply #29 - Dec 6th, 2007, 3:41pm
Cheers Classiclll, would like to be able to say more in japanese but I can't.
I am experimenting the combinaison of your library and proMidi at the moment.
Hope I will manage something better and more flexible then I add with glovepie.

Thanks again for doing this library.
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