YaBB Newbies
Posts: 1
Menger Sponge
Aug 10th , 2007, 8:07pm
Here's the source to a slightly complicated version of a Menger Sponge (see ) renderer: /*************** ***BEGIN CODE*** ***************/ boolean drawing; float xr = 0; float yr = random(0,TWO_PI); color cubeColor; int cubeCount; int stages=2; int pstages; void setup() { size(640, 480, P3D); noStroke(); colorMode(HSB,1.0); cubeColor = color(random(0.0,1.0), 1.0, 1.0); drawing = true; pstages = stages; stages = 0; } void draw() { if(drawing) { background(0); cubeMain(); if(!mousePressed) if(stages<pstages) stages++; else drawing = false; } else if(stages != pstages) { drawing = true; } } void keyPressed() { switch(keyCode) { case UP: pstages++; break; case DOWN: if(pstages>0) pstages--; break; case RIGHT: cubeColor = color(hue(cubeColor)+0.01, saturation(cubeColor), brightness(cubeColor)); stages = 0; break; case LEFT: cubeColor = color(hue(cubeColor)-0.01, saturation(cubeColor), brightness(cubeColor)); stages = 0; break; } } void mouseDragged() { float rate = 0.01; yr += (pmouseX-mouseX) * rate; xr += (mouseY-pmouseY) * rate; stages = 0; drawing = true; } void cubeMain() { cubeCount=0; lights(); translate(width/2, height/2, 0); rotateX(xr); rotateY(yr); cube(0, 0, 0, 200, stages); } void cubes(float x, float y, float z, float s, int n) { float u = s/3; for(float i=-u; i<=u; i+=u) { for(float j=-u; j<=u; j+=u) { for(float k=-u; k<=u; k+=u) { if(abs(i) + abs(j) + abs(k) >= 2*u) { cube(x+i, y+j, z+k, u, n); } } } } } void cube(float x, float y, float z, float s, int n) { if(n>0) { n--; cubes(x, y, z, s, n); } else { pushMatrix(); translate(x, y, z); cubeCount++; fill((hue(cubeColor) + cubeCount / (pow(20,stages) * 5)) % 1.0, saturation(cubeColor), brightness(cubeColor)); box(s); popMatrix(); } } /*************** ****END CODE**** ***************/ And here's the source for a simple enough example to be used in Learning, for example: /*************** ***BEGIN CODE*** ***************/ boolean drawing; float xr = 0; float yr = random(0,TWO_PI); int stages = 2; void setup() { size(200, 200, P3D); noStroke(); fill(200); drawing = true; } void draw() { if(drawing) { background(0); lights(); translate(width/2, height/2, 0); rotateX(xr); rotateY(yr); cube(0, 0, 0, 100, stages); drawing = false; } } void mouseDragged() { float rate = 0.01; yr += (pmouseX-mouseX) * rate; xr += (mouseY-pmouseY) * rate; drawing = true; } void cube(float x, float y, float z, float s, int n) { if(n>0) { n--; float u = s/3; for(float i=-u; i<=u; i+=u) for(float j=-u; j<=u; j+=u) for(float k=-u; k<=u; k+=u) if(abs(i) + abs(j) + abs(k) >= 2*u) cube(x+i, y+j, z+k, u, n); } else { pushMatrix(); translate(x, y, z); box(s); popMatrix(); } } /*************** ****END CODE**** ***************/ I hope you love this fractal as much as I do. -- Lukstr