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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSound,  Music Libraries › An example of sound-reactive graphics.
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An example of sound-reactive graphics. (Read 2359 times)
An example of sound-reactive graphics.
Aug 8th, 2007, 10:51pm
Is is possible for anyone to just put out a very basic example of some sound-reactive graphics. Examplewise, just a box that moves to the beat or some such.
Btw it would be nice if it could be used live.

Re: An example of sound-reactive graphics.
Reply #1 - Aug 9th, 2007, 8:48pm

There is a link at the bottom of the forum index that shows recent posts to the board - so we know you're here - it just means the moderators have to remove your other posts, which doesn't inspire them to help you.

2: Very basic sound reactive graphics is either the FFT most sound libraries in Processing produce (look up libraries) or just a bar representing the volume.

Everyone that says "can you make some beat-detection stuff" to me usually goes - but isn't it really easy all you have to do is pick out the beat? No - and if you think it is - write the code yourself.

I've started a thread for Beat Detection resources. If you find anything new please post there, sharing is good.

Re: An example of sound-reactive graphics.
Reply #2 - Aug 17th, 2007, 6:57pm
st33d wrote on Aug 9th, 2007, 8:48pm:
2: Very basic sound reactive graphics is either the FFT most sound libraries in Processing produce (look up libraries) or just a bar representing the volume.

there's one of the Minim library examples that does exactly this. and another that shows you how to get input from line-in rather than the file that the above uses.


and lots of examples, with applets and source, here:


(try FFT/LogarithmicAverages/ and BeatDetect/ (not entirely convincing but probably good enough for jazz...))

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