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dxf lib modification (Read 518 times)
dxf lib modification
Jul 16th, 2007, 10:17pm
I've posted a minor hack to the default RawDXF export library that transforms the axes in a manner that seems to work better with some engineering-type software (AutoCAD, 3dsMax, SketchUp, for example) so that the "x/-z plane" of Processing's screen better corresponds to the "x/y plane" of such software, and also corrects normals to face "outward": http://www.davebollinger.com/works/p5/rawdxf_rhzu/

(usefulness depends on the software you're using to import:  if your dxf's look rotated and mirrored and inside-out on import then this may work better for you, if they're already ok then disregard)
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