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Processing 0125 (Read 2084 times)
Processing 0125
Jul 15th, 2007, 8:10pm
ABOUT REV 0125 - 15 July 2007

Enormous number of bug fixes and additions. Many thanks to ewjordan
and fjen, who also contributed fixes for this release.

[ api changes ]

+ Changed the constructors for the Capture class to be more consistent
 with the rest of the video library. The following constructors:
 Capture(PApplet parent, int width, int height)
 Capture(PApplet parent, int width, int height, int rate)
 Capture(PApplet parent, String name, int width, int height)
 Capture(PApplet parent, String name, int width, int height, int rate)
 have been changed to:
 Capture(PApplet parent, int width, int height)
 Capture(PApplet parent, int width, int height, int rate)
 Capture(PApplet parent, int width, int height, String name)
 Capture(PApplet parent, int width, int height, String name, int rate)
 This version is not particularly consistent:
 Capture(PApplet parent, int width, int height, int rate)
 though we'll be leaving it in because it was used so heavily.

+ The split() method has been altered to avoid inconsistency. In fact,
 it has split itself into two methods. Har har har.
 split(String s), has been removed, use splitTokens(String s) instead.
 split(String s, char c) remains unchanged.
 split(String s, String delim) is now splitTokens(String s, String delim)
 The new model is that split() breaks a String into pieces given a single
 delmiter, which can be a single character or many characters. For instance,
 split("Something<BR>in<BR><BR>HTML.", "<BR>")
 now produces the array "Something", "in", "", "HTML".
 The split() method breaks the String whenever it sees the delimiter,
 so a <BR> next to another <BR> produces an empty String.
 On the other hand, splitTokens() takes a list of possible delimiters,
 and will consume one or more of any of them. For instance:
 splitTokens("really, messed ,up with ,,, commas,", ", ");
 will produce the array "really", "messed", "up", "with", "commas".
 Because any group of comma or space characters (and in any order)
 will simply be consumed as a single break.

+ The casting functions, e.g. int(), float() boolean(), and friends
 have now been streamlined a bit to only cover casts that actually
 make sense.

+ Blending modes have been finalized for 1.0, thanks to the help
 of Dave Bollinger, who contributed code to complete the set:
 See the reference for blend() for more details. Thanks Dave!

+ The constant CENTER_RADIUS is now simply RADIUS. Both still work,
 but CENTER_RADIUS should be avoided.

+ The constants for ENTER, TAB, et al. are now char values,
 rather than ints.

+ The framerate() method in the movie library has been renamed to

+ Addition from Tom Hulbert to add setDTR() to the Serial library.

+ Where possible, more methods inside PApplet have been made static.
 This may break some library code (the OCD library is one example)
 until it's updated for 0125. We'll try to add a more informative
 error message about this in 0126.

[ additions, improvements ]

+ Significant improvement to text and images in OpenGL mode.
 Now using mipmaps to interpolate large and small images.

+ The println() method with arrays now prints the array indices next
 to each element, making it a bit more useful. The print() method
 no longer supports arrays, since that was a bit silly.

+ Major rework of the open() command. This function behaves differently
 on each platform. On Windows, the parameters are sent to the Windows
 shell via "cmd /c". On Mac OS X, the "open" command is used (type
 "man open" in Terminal.app for documentation). On Linux, it first tries
 gnome-open, then kde-open, but if neither are available, it sends the
  command to the shell without any alterations. For Java users, this
 is not quite the same as Runtime.exec(), because the shell command
 is prepended. The method exec(String[]) is a shortcut for
 Runtime.getRuntime.exec(String[]). This function was also modified
 for Mac OS X and Linux support, and to better handle spaces in
 command names.

+ textAlign() now supports a second parameter that handles vertical
 alignment of text. The second parameter can be TOP, CENTER, and

+ Added min() and max() for float and int arrays.

+ At Casey's urging, the "Color Picker" is now called the
 "Color Selector".

+ Fix up MovieMaker from Dan Shiffman, also add the library to
 the reference pages.

+ Re-architect SVG to properly inherit fill/stroke/etc from parents
 <g> object can specify fill/stroke for everyone below
 need to discern between having a fill specified and one not being present

+ Fix Find/Replace button placement, also add Replace & Find Next option

+ Make "Find In Reference" and "Show Sketch Folder" work with Linux
Re: Processing 0125
Reply #1 - Jul 15th, 2007, 8:10pm
[ bug fixes ]

+ Fix long-standing memory leaking problem with OpenGL images

+ Fix problem where sketches were not showing up in Linux

+ Size of sketch different in setup() and draw() on Linux

+ Changing the shortcut keys for switching tabs to instead use
 ctrl/cmd + alt + left/right, identical to Firefox on Mac, PC and Linux.
 Also fixes a bug that caused French keyboards to have problems since 0123.

+ Improve support for loading TGA (Targa) images. Upside-down and
 non-RLE encoded images should be supported better in this release.

+ Properly refresh code when using an external editor (regression)

+ The DXF export library no longer attempts to format its output because
 it was causing problems on systems that use , instead of . for their
 decimal separator character.

+ PImage.save() method now fixed to work properly with get()

+ Fix OpenGL crash with hint(ENABLE_DEPTH_SORT)

+ Fix NullPointerException in Create Font with "All Characters" enabled

+ registerSize() was registering as pre() instead of size()

+ Fix problem with set() and the JAVA2D renderer

+ Set modified to true on endDraw() so that images update properly

+ Prev/Next tab conflicting with typing brackets on French keyboards

+ PDE does not refresh code when using an External Editor

+ Fix from fjen for the  preprocessor to handle L added to 'long' values

+ Only rebuild sketchbook on "save as" or "rename" of sketch

+ Ignore ._ files from Mac OS X when reading jar and zip files

+ When running externally, kill the sketch window

+ Deal with user cancel issues with Capture settings

[ reference and web ]

+ Significant updates to the examples

+ Update JavaDoc reference to include the XML library and Candy

+ Several fixes from fjen to applet.html for exported applets
 Added auto-install of cab file inside applet.html
 Fix character encoding problems with HTML
 Generate XHTML-1.0-strict (standards compliant) code

[ ewjordan bug fixes ]

+ Workaround for accuracy issues with P3D. (rect() was changing
 size as it changed position, or lines skipping pixels)

+ Improve strange texture warping in P3D by adding a slower,
 but more accurate means of drawing textures through use of

+ Polygons parallel to z-axis not always filling with nonzero x or y

[ java ]

+ Java 1.5.0_10 is no longer the default download at java.com,
 so OpenGL applets should be more likely to work properly.

+ Apple has released a Java update, which brings Java 1.4.2 on OS X
 up to release 1.4.2_12. Subsequently we have updated the version of
 Java included with the Linux and Windows releases to 1.4.2_12.
Re: Processing 0125
Reply #2 - Jul 15th, 2007, 8:18pm
...also thanks to Dan Shiffman, whose MovieMaker library is now part of the Video library, and Dave Bollinger, who did all the work on the blending modes.
Re: Processing 0125
Reply #3 - Jul 18th, 2007, 11:25am

Thank you all very much.
Re: Processing 0125
Reply #4 - Aug 12th, 2007, 1:22pm
Thanks Ben, this version worked great with the bug fixes.

It also seems like some nice GL fixes made it through in the last three versions or so, we're very happy with it Smiley
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