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Toolbar (Read 520 times)
Jul 12th, 2007, 2:46pm
I just wanted to share what I currently have under development and get some feedback as to what people might want out of a toolbar/menu library for Processing.

The short story: I know Java programming is all about not reinventing the wheel, but I couldn't stomach the thought of using Swing for the project I'm working on, so I decided to re-implement a few very basic user interface widgets in a more Processing-friendly manner.

Here's where I'm at so far with the toolbar:

This example uses a Java2D main canvas, but it seems to work nicely with P3D and OpenGL sketches, too.

My question is: if you were to end up using this as a library for your project, what features would you most want? For my own purposes, I can think of a a few things that would be high priority:

- A simple way of choosing different "skins" or creating new non-default color sets.
- Some way to create a floating/docking toolbar that doesn't always take up the entire top of the screen.
- Other types of menus -- context menu, radial menu, etc.
- Allowing the toolbar items to include an icon next to their labels
- A keyboard shortcut system for the menu commands

But there are surely things that others may find very useful that I've just ignored, so let me know if you have any thoughts or ideas!

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