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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › Audio Analysis - Windowed Averaging/Memory Problem
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Audio Analysis - Windowed Averaging/Memory Problem (Read 522 times)
Audio Analysis - Windowed Averaging/Memory Problem
Jun 15th, 2007, 8:54am
Hi all,

I've split my audio into 8 spectrum bands and am taking their average every 60 frames (2 seconds).

I then want to record these 8 vaules changing in a simple graph.

The program works fine when loading in a 20MB wav file but I am getting a -

java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

with the 70MB file I want to use.

Is my computer simply not up to the task or is there a more memory effecient way to tackle this problem. I am working from an audiofile rather than an audiostream so that the results I get are constant - so the audio player and computer volume level aren't an issue.

Thanks a lot



import processing.opengl.*;
import krister.Ess.*;
import moviemaker.*;

int bufferSize;
int steps;
float limitDiff;
int numAverages=0;
float myDamp=.1f;
float maxLimit,minLimit;

static final int OUTPUT_TYPE_IMAGE = 0;
static final int OUTPUT_TYPE_MOVIE = 1;
int outputType = OUTPUT_TYPE_IMAGE;  // change this as desired

MovieMaker mm;
AudioChannel chn;
FFT fft;
int frameNumber = 0;
int framesPerSecond = 30;

float x=0;

float[] oldy = new float[7];
float[] av = new float[7];
float[] realav= new float[7];

int framecheck = 60;
int framecheckconstant = 60;

void setup() {
 colorMode(HSB, 7);

 if (outputType==OUTPUT_TYPE_MOVIE)
   mm = new MovieMaker(this,width,height,"output.mov",MovieMaker.RAW,MovieMaker.HIGH,framesP
 chn = new AudioChannel(dataPath("music.aif"));
 fft = new FFT(16);


 for(int i=0; i<7;i++){
   oldy[i] = i;
   av[i] = 0;
   realav[i] = 0;

public void stop() {

void draw() {

void progress() {
 if ((frameNumber%100) == 0) {
   println("Working on frame number " + frameNumber);

void analyze() {
 int pos = (int)(frameNumber * chn.sampleRate / framesPerSecond);
 if (pos >= chn.size) {
   if (outputType==OUTPUT_TYPE_MOVIE)
 fft.getSpectrum(chn.samples, pos);

void render() {
 for(int i=0;i<7;i++){    
   av[i] = av[i]+fft.spectrum[i];  

 if (frameCount == framecheck){
   for(int i=0; i<7; i++){
     realav[i] = av[i]/50;
     line(x, realav[i]*500, x-3, oldy[i]*500);  

   for(int i =0; i <height; i= i +50){
     line(0,i, width, i);
   framecheck = framecheck+50;    

void store() {
 if (outputType==OUTPUT_TYPE_MOVIE) {
 else {

void advance() {

void keyPressed(){
 if (myDamp>1) myDamp=1;
 else if(myDamp<0) myDamp=0;
Re: Audio Analysis - Windowed Averaging/Memory Pro
Reply #1 - Jun 15th, 2007, 4:53pm
I expect you just need to increase the amount of memory that Processing will use. It's in File > Preferences.
Re: Audio Analysis - Windowed Averaging/Memory Pro
Reply #2 - Jun 18th, 2007, 8:02am
Wow, that was simple, and a little embarassing. Thanks for the tip.
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