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Posts: 430
Re: interact recursive funct. with a not recursive
Reply #3 - Jun 13th , 2007, 6:17pm
this is one easy way to do that.. get matrix and take translation vector.. other way would be for you to use parent children relationship to do transformation yourself.. so far it prints the position.. you should create an array and save them for later use.. i think this is what u were looking for. import processing.opengl.*; import javax.media.opengl.*; import javax.media.opengl.glu.*; // my programm float a = 0.0; float inc = TWO_PI/30; float dreher; PGraphicsOpenGL pgl; GL opengl; GLU glu; float[] m = new float[16]; //fluegelkreise akrivieren Fluegelkreis[] kreiseF = new Fluegelkreis[10]; int zufall =0; int kugelZaehler=0; float posx =0; float posy =0; void setup() { size(400,400, OPENGL); pgl = ((PGraphicsOpenGL)g); opengl = pgl.gl; glu = ((PGraphicsOpenGL)g).glu; smooth(); frameRate(25); //10 Fluegelkreise machen for (int i=0;i<10;i++) { kreiseF[i] = new Fluegelkreis(); } } void draw() { background(254); // gleichmässige Bewegung dreher = sin(a)/10; a+= inc; // Kugelfigur zeichnen initKugelfig(200); // Fluegelkugeln produzieren? zufall = int (random(20)); if (zufall==2) { kreiseF[kugelZaehler].aktiv = 1; kreiseF[kugelZaehler].y = height - int(random(150)) -40; if (kugelZaehler == 9) { kugelZaehler=0; } else { kugelZaehler+=1; } } //Fluegelkugeln bewegen for (int i=0;i<10;i++) { if (kreiseF[i].aktiv == 1) { kreiseF[i].walk(); kreiseF[i].render(); } } } class Fluegelkreis { int y,x; int aktiv = 0; Fluegelkreis () { y = 0; x = 0; aktiv = 0; } void render() { fill(0,0,200,150); noStroke(); ellipseMode(CENTER); ellipse(x,y,30,30); if (x>width) { aktiv =0; x=0; } } void walk() { x+= 5; } } void initKugelfig (int x) { pushMatrix(); translate(x, height); posy = 0; drawKugelfig(0); popMatrix(); } void drawKugelfig(int grad) { pushMatrix(); int kreisrad = 40-grad*4; ellipseMode(CENTER); noStroke(); fill(250,0,0,180); ellipse(0,0,kreisrad,kreisrad); rotate(dreher); translate(0,-kreisrad); //------------------------------- // Get the modelview matrix and extract the position vector //------------------------------- opengl = pgl.beginGL(); // get the current modelview matrix opengl.glGetFloatv( GL.GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX , m, 0 ); pgl.endGL(); float x = m[12]; float y = m[13]; float z = m[14]; println( "X="+x ); println( "Y="+y ); println( "Z="+z ); if(grad<7){drawKugelfig(grad+1);} popMatrix(); }