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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSound,  Music Libraries › minim & ess conflict package
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minim & ess conflict package (Read 787 times)
minim & ess conflict package
Jun 9th, 2007, 3:36pm
I'm a beginner in processing and I'm trying to use minim and ess libraries both, and particulary the bandpass minim effect, but I get a "message error" : 'type BandPass is imported on demand from package "Krister.Ess" and package "dd.minim effects"'. How could I do to use band pass minim effect with ess others effects ??
Laurent (sorry for my poor english)
Re: minim & ess conflict package
Reply #1 - Jun 10th, 2007, 9:22am
i can only answer to the conflict part of your question: that's what the package names are for. instead of just writing "BandPass" try:

and / or

this tell java which one you'd like to use, for example:


// assume you defined / imported another class called String but
// want to use the java version:

java.lang.String mystring = new java.lang.String("abc");

Re: minim & ess conflict package
Reply #2 - Jun 10th, 2007, 2:14pm
...or don't import both libraries at the beginning of your sketch.
Re: minim & ess conflict package
Reply #3 - Jun 10th, 2007, 10:02pm
Ok. I will try this... and thanks for your replies : it should help me a lot.
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