YaBB Newbies
Posts: 18
Re: using text in a video capture
Reply #2 - Jun 5th , 2007, 2:16am
I'm sorry but I thought I was not in the good part of the forum and my english is bad... the code : import processing.opengl.*; import*; Capture video; int count; boolean cheatScreen; // all ascii characters, sorted according to their visual density static final String vals = "HELLO" + "I'M FINE"; // how quickly to update each pixel (see below) static final float STEP = 0.01; // starting font size float asciiFontSize = 1.5f; float dgR[], dgG[], dgB[]; char values[]; float bright[]; char chars[]; PFont font; public void setup() { // run at the default size size(640, 480, P3D); // or run full screen, more fun! //size(screen.width, screen.height, OPENGL); video = new Capture(this, 80, 60, 15); count = video.width * video.height; font = loadFont("UniversLTStd-Light-48.vlw"); // for the 256 levels of brightness, distribute the letters across // the an array of 256 elements to use for the lookup values = new char[256]; float multiplier = 256.0 / (float) vals.length(); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { int which = values[i] = vals.charAt((int) (i / multiplier)); } // current characters for each position in the video chars = new char[count]; } public void captureEvent(Capture c) {; } void draw() { background(0); pushMatrix(); float hgap = (float) width / (float) video.width; float vgap = (float) height / (float) video.height; scale(max(hgap, vgap) * asciiFontSize); textFont(font, asciiFontSize); int index = 0; for (int y = 1; y < video.height; y++) { // move down for next line translate(0, 1.0 / asciiFontSize); pushMatrix(); for (int x = 0; x < video.width; x++) { int pixelColor = video.pixels[index]; int r = (pixelColor >> 16) & 0xff; int g = (pixelColor >> 8 ) & 0xff; int b = pixelColor & 0xff; // another option would be to properly calculate brightness as luminance: // luminance = 0.3*red + 0.59*green + 0.11*blue // or you could instead red + green + blue, and make the the values[] array // 256*3 elements long instead of just 256. int brightness = max(r, g, b); // the STEP variable is used to damp the changes so that letters flicker less bright[index] = (bright[index] * (1.0 - STEP) + (float)brightness * STEP); fill(pixelColor); text((char) values[(int) bright[index]], 0, 0); index++; // move over for next character translate(1.0 / asciiFontSize, 0); } popMatrix(); } popMatrix(); if (cheatScreen) { image(video, 0, height - video.height); } } /** * Handle key presses: * 'c' toggles the cheat sccimage in the corner * 'g' grabs an image and saves the frame to a tiff image * 'f' and 'F' iffncrease and decrease the font size */ public void keyPressed() { switch (key) { case 'g': saveFrame(); break; case 'c': cheatScreen = !cheatScreen; break; case 'f': asciiFontSize *= 1.1f; break; case 'F': asciiFontSize *= 0.9f; break; } }