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Ess syntax question (Read 562 times)
Ess syntax question
Apr 26th, 2007, 12:57am
Hi everyone..wondering if u can help. Can anyone explain in english whats going on in the line below That i have marked with a quote in uppercase and has stars above and below it.

// by Krister Olsson <http://www.tree-axis.com>

// Plays a stream from an Internet radio station in
// real-time

// Created 12 May 2006

import krister.Ess.*;

AudioStream myStream;
AudioFile myFile;

boolean songDone;

void setup() {

 // start up Ess
 // get ready to stream KCRW
 // (Ess.READ does not require a sample rate)
 myFile=new AudioFile("",0,Ess.READ);

 // create a new AudioStream and set the sample rate
 myStream=new AudioStream(32*1024); // 32k samples



void draw() {

 // draw waveform
 int interp=(int)max(0,(((millis()-myStream.bufferStartTime)/(float)myStream.duration

 for (int i=0;i<256;i++) {
   int top=50;

   if (i+interp<myStream.buffer2.length) top-=(int)(myStream.buffer2[i+interp]*50.0);    

   int j=0;
   for (int k=top;k<height;k++) {

void audioStreamWrite(AudioStream theStream) {
 // read the next chunk

 int samplesRead=myFile.read(myStream);
 if (samplesRead==0) {
   // start over



// we are done, clean up Ess

public void stop() {

Can anyone help ?? thanks.

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