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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › Relative angle
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Relative angle (Read 676 times)
Relative angle
Apr 30th, 2007, 3:28pm
I have a game character swinging on a rope. I want him to crawl up when the mouse is above him and down when the mouse is below him.

But I want this to work from the character's point of view, which fails to work when he is swinging to the left because at PI radians you step immediately into -PI radians. This means it works fine doing < or > when swinging to the right but when he swings to the left the mouse always registers as above at -PI radians or less.


float theta;
float x,y;
void setup(){
size(200, 200);
x = y = 100;
theta = HALF_PI;
void draw(){
stroke(0, 0, 255);
line(0, y, x, y);
float dx = mouseX - x;
float dy = mouseY - y;
float mTheta = atan2(dy, dx);
else {
line(x, y, mouseX, mouseY);
// projected normals
float vx = cos(theta) * 50;
float vy = sin(theta) * 50;
// right hand normal projected
float rx = -vy;
float ry = vx;
// left hand normal projected
float lx = vy;
float ly = -vx;
line(x + lx, y + ly, x + rx, y + ry);
line(x, y, x + vx, y + vy);
case LEFT:
theta -= 0.1;
case RIGHT:
theta += 0.1;
boolean mouseBelow(float mTheta){
float minTheta = theta - HALF_PI;
float maxTheta = theta + HALF_PI;
println("min:"+minTheta+" max:"+maxTheta+" theta:"+mTheta);
return mTheta > minTheta && mTheta < maxTheta;

How can I get a relative angle check that overcomes the jump from +PI radians to -PI radians?
Re: Relative angle
Reply #1 - Apr 30th, 2007, 7:39pm
You can just check angleA to angleB, angleA to angleB+TWO_PI and angleA+TWO_PI to angleB and then take the minimum value of the three, which should give the angle beween as a human would calculate it.
Re: Relative angle
Reply #2 - Apr 30th, 2007, 11:49pm
You could also just examine the sign of the dot product between your line's normal (towards the "inside" half space, that is: towards the "below" in your usage) and a vector constructed from the line to the mouse point.  If N.V==0 then on line, if <0 then outside or "above", if >0 then inside or "below".
Re: Relative angle
Reply #3 - May 1st, 2007, 11:29am
I managed to cobble together a rather wierd condition that solves the problem - I didn't realise that I'd already used this method for a demo of rope catching on platforms.


boolean mouseRight(float mTheta){
float minTheta = angle - PI;
float maxTheta = angle;
if(maxTheta+PI <= PI){
return mTheta > minTheta && mTheta < maxTheta;
return mTheta + PI < minTheta || (mTheta > minTheta && mTheta < maxTheta);

But davbol's method certainly works well! I've just cobbled a quick implementation of it (having to find out what a dot product is).


boolean mouseBelow2(float vx, float vy){
float vx1 = vx;
float vx2 = mouseX - x;
float vy1 = vy;
float vy2 = mouseY - y;
float dotProduct = vx1*vx2 + vy1*vy2;
return dotProduct > 0;

I should be able to implement the latter and ease up the load on the processor.

Edit: Thank you!
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