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OPENGL and ESS (Read 1189 times)
Apr 28th, 2007, 10:28am
Interesting Note:
if you setup ESS *then* setup your size() the AudioInput does not seem to work properly but if you setup ESS after your size() then it seems to work.
This Does not work:
void setup(){
 myInput=new AudioInput(bufferSize);
 myFFT=new FFT(bufferSize*2);
size(1024,600, OPENGL);
this does:
void setup(){
size(1024,600, OPENGL);
 myInput=new AudioInput(bufferSize);
 myFFT=new FFT(bufferSize*2);

I did not spend much time fiddling with this so maybe it was just me, but i thought it was interesting and might be a solution to someone elses problem too.
Reply #1 - Apr 28th, 2007, 1:51pm
If you look at the reference for size() it says:

The size() function must be the first line in setup().

This is because setup() is actually being called twice when the applet is starting, however will not execute any of the other code after "size()" the second time. That's why always put size() before initializing anything else. Btw. I've been bitten by this myself in the past...
Reply #2 - Apr 29th, 2007, 12:21am
in using  proMIDI  on an intel mac you need to have the Mandolane java extension, but unless you register mandolane (its shareware) you get a pop-screen.  This popup does not work, and the program hangs, unless the MIDI stuff is setup before size(), more stuff got piled infront of size(), then when is switched to OPENGEL ess stopped behaving.
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