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Pitch shifting (Read 664 times)
Pitch shifting
Apr 27th, 2007, 5:52am
I'm a beginner, and I try to make pitch goes up and down.
It seems simple, but I can't figure out.

Here is my code, and when I press key 'a', pitch goes up,
but when I press key 'b', pitch doesn't go down(still goes up). Anybody can help me please?


import krister.Ess.*;

AudioChannel  myChannel4;

PitchShift myPitchShift;

int shift;

void setup() {


//  myChannel3=new AudioChannel("news.aif");
 myChannel4=new AudioChannel("yaa.aif");
//  myChannel3.play(Ess.FOREVER);

 myPitchShift=new PitchShift(Ess.calcShift(1));

//  frameRate(30);


void draw() {
//  rect(0,500-shift,256,shift);
 if (keyPressed==true) {
   if (key=='a'){
 if (key=='b'){
public void stop() {
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