YaBB Newbies
Posts: 1
[NEWB] Switch between classes with trigger?
Apr 24th , 2007, 9:19am
Hi, I'm new to scripting but trying to complete an interactive installation in a stairwell. I have two .pde that work separately and I'm trying to combine them into one .pde. I'd like the first code (boxes) to run until an ultrasonic rangefinder triggers a reset (max/msp output a2_0<50)...at which point the second code (class Walkers) will fade in quickly, play for 6 seconds and fade back to the boxes. Here's my awkward attempt that gives me only a background color. Can you please tell me where to start looking for a solution? Am I waaayyy off? Thanks! //walkers derived from "randomwalkers"original code: http://www.codetree.org/artwork/art.php?id=176. Author: ninoscript //boxes derived from processing.org "FOV" example import com.cycling74.io.*; import com.cycling74.net.*; import com.cycling74.util.*; import maxlink.*; import com.cycling74.msp.*; import com.cycling74.max.*; import com.cycling74.mxjedit.*; MaxLink link = new MaxLink(this,"maxlink"); public float a0_0, a1_0, a1_5, a2_0, a2_5, camx1, camy1, camx2, camy2; float box1 = 0.0; float box2 = 0.0; float box3 = 0.0; int walkersNumber = 100; Walker[] walkers = new Walker[walkersNumber]; void setup() { link.declareInlet("a0_0"); //ardBT#1 vibration sensor link.declareInlet("a1_0"); //ardBT#2 photoresistor link.declareInlet("a1_5"); //RESERVED link.declareInlet("a2_0"); //USB Arduino rangefinder link.declareInlet("a2_5"); //USB Arduino photoresistor link.declareInlet("camx1"); //lower landing camera link.declareInlet("camy1"); //lower landing camera link.declareInlet("camx2"); //upper landing camera link.declareInlet("camy2"); //upper landing camera size(1030, 2550, P3D); frameRate(30); if (a2_0 < 50) { frameRate(camx1/10); } noStroke(); if (a2_0 < 50) { for(int i=0; i<walkersNumber; i++){ walkers[i] = new Walker(i); } } } void draw() { //lights(); background(a2_5);//photoresistor from arduino usb#1 if (a2_0 < 50) { background(51); } float cameraY = height/2.0; float fov = camy1/float(width) * PI/2; //float fov = camy/float(width) * PI/2 float cameraZ = cameraY / tan(fov / 1.0); float aspect = float(width)/float(height); perspective(fov, aspect, cameraZ/5.0, cameraZ*5.0); //BACK BOX box1 = 5; box2 = 50; box3 = 1000; translate(width/2, 1400, 0); rotateX(-camy1/3000);// rotateX(-PI/3 + camx/float(height) * PI); rotateY(camx1/float(height)+45);//(PI/1 + camy/float(height) * PI/2); fill(255); //if (a2_0 < 50) { // fill(232,0,0); // } box(box1,box2,box3); ///SIDE BOXES translate(-box3/2, 0, box3*.5); fill(255); // if (a2_0 < 50) { // fill(232,0,0);} box(box3,box2, 5); translate(0, 0, -box3); box(box3,box2,5); if (a2_0 < 50) { for(int i=0; i<walkersNumber; i++){ walkers[i].walk(); walkers[i].render(); } } } class Walker { int x, y, _color; Walker(int color_) { x = int(random(width)); y = 0; _color = color_; } void render() { float rcolor = random(20, 50); stroke(0); stroke (rcolor*2,0,0); fill(camx1/3, 0, 0); // strokeWeight(2); ellipse (x,y,camx1/18,camx1/18); } void walk() { float vx = random(5)-2; float vy = random(5)-.5; x += vx; y += vy; x = constrain(x,0,width-1); y = constrain(y,0,height-1); } }