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IndexDiscussionExhibition › Game in progress.
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Game in progress. (Read 1209 times)
Game in progress.
Apr 13th, 2007, 12:06am
I've not had much time recently to do much in Processing, but I dug out an old engine I wrote last year, and have been tweaking it a bit, and it's starting to come closer to something playable.
Currently there's only a short YouTube video available, since the applet is still fairly buggy, and needs some tweaking to make sure it runs on all video cards.


Bear in mind that YouTube does lose a lot of detail unfortunately, but I think it's pretty impressive the detail/quality you can get out of processing/OpenGL if you're willing to hack around with it a bit.
Re: Game in progress.
Reply #1 - Apr 13th, 2007, 11:39am
wow, this IS impressive!

as for gameplay, why not try to implement some "lunar lander"-ish elements?
Re: Game in progress.
Reply #2 - Apr 13th, 2007, 12:00pm
Taht was the original idea, but I had problems finding a way of controlling the camera such that you could actually see where you were going, and what you were supposed to do.

It is still on the drawing board, but I'm going with an easier idea first.
Re: Game in progress.
Reply #3 - Apr 17th, 2007, 3:09am
I like the water effects. Very impressive all around.

I wonder what sort of things you could do with this engine. Would it be possible to add time limit, red-coin type objects, etc?
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