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Processing @ Flash Festival / Centre Pompidou (Read 3821 times)
Processing @ Flash Festival / Centre Pompidou
Apr 4th, 2007, 2:35pm
Howdy y'all.

I've been dragged kicking and screaming into presenting Processing at « Flash Festival 2007 ». It will be held at the Centre Pompidou, Paris in late May. Flash Festival is a juried competition with fancy presentations of Flash, Shockwave, and Applet based interactive web content. Along with the competition there are a few invited conferences — the category of yours truly. As a whole, the festival is very 1999: it's more the french post cd-rom style of artistic/creative publishing, hence the use of a professional software package in the name of the festival itself. As such I don't ever participate and was quite suprised they invited me.

Originally, I suggested bringing in fancier luminaries such as Casey, Ben, or many of the other french or european Processing gurus, but they insisted, so here we are. I'm writing here for suggestions/input. Instead of tooting my own horn, and not having much of a Processing horn to toot, I would like to open up my presentation to the wider community and get input here on work you personally would like to see in this presentation. I'm also hoping to get some varied/contradictory opinions on what Processing represents for you as a user/contributor.

I have 45 minutes + 15 minutes questions/answer. Imagine yourself a parisian design student or web professional, and not knowing Processing what would blow your mind? What would pique your interest?

Since Adobe will be presenting the latest version of Flash before my presentation, inevitably comparisons will be made. In my opinion, this is quite a scandalous proposal. The Pompidou Center is supposed to be one of those last few places where artists dictate the rules. So clearly I'm very jaded on this subject — I've seen several cycles of Macromedia pumping the artistic community only to use that experience to convert their software into a purely economic tool for communication. But maybe people have a more agnostic viewpoint on this subject, so that too might be a subject open for debate here.

Given the last comment, my current strategy is to differentiate Processing from its commercial competitors, and focus part of the talk on work that wouldn't be very easy to do with Flash. Robotics projects, and OpenGL based projects are the first that come to mind, as well as projects that use PDF and Quicktime Movie export. Marius Watz and Robert Hodgin's efforts on those last two fronts seem to pop out at the moment, as does Mr. Fry's prints of genetic and classic gaming code. I'm all ears for any other suggestions. The Processing Exhibition will of course be scoured.

The presentation will take place within a Processing application in lieu of a Powerpoint slideshow. Anyone who has seen my conferences before will know what I'm talking about. This means short text + reference photo + small/short Quicktime movies will be required. Installations always look best in that context, but web-only works such as We Feel Fine can also look good if I take care.

I'll also open the environment itself and code on the fly, just to show how easy/clean it is.

I'll stop here. I'd like your input. Smiley
Re: Processing @ Flash Festival / Centre Pompidou
Reply #1 - Apr 4th, 2007, 3:53pm
Add webcam projects to the table.

Flash's ability to analyse bitmaps and do funky things with them is pretty poor.

Take the Java ripple effect (yes, I'm not done moaning about this).


And convert that to Flash:


import flash.display.BitmapData;
var plane:BitmapData = BitmapData.loadBitmap("check"); // 200x200 png, linkage="check"
var map:BitmapData = new BitmapData(plane.width, plane.height);
createEmptyMovieClip("holder", 0);
holder.attachBitmap(map, 0);
// Water voodoo
var sludgefactor=6.;
var Xoffset,Yoffset;/Refraction vector
var size = 200*200;
var pt1 = new Array();//Pointer to reference heighmap
var pt2 = new Array();//Pointer to reference heighmap
var tmpt = new Array();
var border = 1;
for(var i = 0; i

pt1[i] = 0;

pt2[i] = 0;
holder.onEnterFrame = function(){
splash(Math.round(this._xmouse) ,Math.round(this._ymouse) , 10 ,2);

// Create splashes where mouse cursor
// The main calculation is below. We go through every pixel in the array pointed to by pt1, setting its value
// based on the previous heights stored in pt2. This can be optimized but is left as-is for readability.
for(var j=1;j
for(var i=1;i
pt1[i+j*plane.width]=0.98*((( lu(i+1, j, pt2)+ lu(i-1, j,pt2)+ lu(i, j+1, pt2)+ lu(i, j-1, pt2) )/2.0)-lu(i,j,pt1));
// Now that we have our new heightmap stored in pt1, we render the image by finding a refraction vector for
// each pixel, and grabbing the color it points to in our image.
for(var j=border;j
for(var i=border;i

plane.width-border || Xoffset+i
plane.height-border || Yoffset+j

//trace(Xoffset+" "+Yoffset);
//pixels[i+j*width]=P.pixels[int((i+Xoffset)+(j+Yoffset)*P.width)] ;

//Draw our pixel!

map.setPixel(i, j, plane.getPixel(i + Xoffset, j+Yoffset));

//Hold pt2 location

//Switch what pointers reference, effectively
pt1=tmpt; //"copying" the current state into the previous state buffer
function lu(x:Number, y:Number, array:Array){
// look up a table
function splash(x:Number, y:Number, power:Number, sqsize:Number){

//Ugly routine for creating a splash
=sqsize && x
for(var xx=-sqsize;xx
for(var yy=-sqsize;yy

Mind numbingly slow.

And also sound analysis. No fft in Flash.

I generally tout the site-specific-installation benefits of processing and avoid the whole web-deployment aspect.

My 2¢
Re: Processing @ Flash Festival / Centre Pompidou
Reply #2 - Apr 4th, 2007, 8:08pm
Echoing your concerns, I'd suggest staying away from anything that would tend to portray Processing as "just another tool for creating web-based eye candy" - even though it does that pretty well. Wink

You might instead focus on physically interactive works, where camera+projector interaction occurs, or a multi-touch screen, or wiimote or mactop tilt sensor.  

Or examples of P5+Arduino (or other hardware interface) directly controlling any sort of physical output device.  (custom robot, hacked pen plotter, lego mindstorm, ping pong balls as dot matrix displays, spray paint cans on servo-controlled strings, etc?)

What you might use as a checklist:  "fancy" input, plus "fancy" manipulation, plus "fancy" output.  (fe: Pixel Roller, Pollock In Action, Mob Zombies, etc)

You'd want at least two to qualify, and ideally all three, particularly where some type of synergy could be expressed, showing that the sum is greater than the parts -- to hopefully thwart any objections like "big deal, yet another web cam pixellator, what's the point, who cares?".

For example, if you found a work using "sound-reactive fft plus spherical projection from inside a lexan dome", then that scores two out of three (manipulation and output).  But if you found that it was also generating its own music as the input, and maybe even using webcam input to feed the music algorithm, then you'd have something exponentially more unique, MUCH greater than the sum of its parts.

$.02, hope it helps.
Re: Processing @ Flash Festival / Centre Pompidou
Reply #3 - Apr 4th, 2007, 9:47pm
davbol wrote on Apr 4th, 2007, 8:08pm:
You might instead focus on physically interactive works, where camera+projector interaction occurs, or a multi-touch screen, or wiimote or mactop tilt sensor.

I like these responses. Yes, indeed, I was thinking of going the Arduino route, and bringing a Wiimote and showing some tilt sensor examples. I would have to anyway, because that’s where we've done the most work in Aix-en-Provence where I teach. One of my students is currently working on a chessboard that uses the reactivision system, I know V3ga blob tracking library, I'll be working on FTIR in a few days, and I've done some of my own vision development. So I know tracking pretty well. But I'm all for more examples.

I should probably start asking people for links. There is /so/ much stuff out there, it's pretty amazing, but also impossible for me to filter myself. The Processing exhibit does a pretty good job when it comes to finished artworks, but I haven't found a sort of "hilites" site for just cool stuff to show off what it can do.
Re: Processing @ Flash Festival / Centre Pompidou
Reply #4 - Apr 12th, 2007, 5:18pm
As a young parisian web designer not knowing a lot in processing (that's true ^^), I would be very interested in the Physical Computaing aspect of processing, mainly with the easy proto boards like Wiring or Arduino...
Maybe that would be cool to talk about that.
Plus i'll be there, count on me to come after the presentation to ask you questions ^^

Re: Processing @ Flash Festival / Centre Pompidou
Reply #5 - Apr 12th, 2007, 6:48pm
melka wrote on Apr 12th, 2007, 5:18pm:
Plus i'll be there, count on me to come after the presentation to ask you questions ^^

Cool! Looking forward to it Smiley
Re: Processing @ Flash Festival / Centre Pompidou
Reply #6 - Apr 18th, 2007, 12:01pm
I'll be there too ! j'ai hâte de voir vos travaux Wink
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