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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSound,  Music Libraries › Ubuntu + proMIDI + ALSA
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Ubuntu + proMIDI + ALSA (Read 798 times)
Ubuntu + proMIDI + ALSA
Apr 1st, 2007, 3:19pm
I'm completely new to processing, haven't even had a chance to play with it, but it all looks quite exciting.

I do all of my audio work with ALSA in Ubuntu (Dapper) Linux, primarily with Seq24, Sooperlooper, Hydrogen, and AMS. I use a USB keyboard and m-audio triggerfinger, whose MIDI messages are routed by ALSA, to control everything. I'm a pretty experienced programmer, and was planning on writing my own visuals-generating code with OpenGL directly, but processing is an increasingly attractive alternative.

So then, I'm about to upgrade to Feisty Fawn, probably right after it's scheduled release later this month (April 19). Has anyone been successful using ProMIDI/Processing with ALSA on Ubuntu?
Re: Ubuntu + proMIDI + ALSA
Reply #1 - May 12th, 2007, 2:25am
I haven't used ProMIDI but one option might be to use Puredata to to send note messages to Processing via open sound control. Just use as the ip address and you can send midi between apps on the one machine.

Fairly sure pd is available on linux and processing has an osc library.



Hope that helps.
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