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Using Ant to compile PDE files (Read 2200 times)
Using Ant to compile PDE files
Mar 3rd, 2007, 6:42pm
Hi everyone,

I'm a student in computer science and I want to do some things with Processing.
Personally, I don't really like the Processing IDE because you don't have enough control and I'm using extensively SciTE as code editor.
To compile Processing code I searched this forum about ant and found a build file that I modified a lot (in fact, only few lines are common to both files).

The files can be downloaded here :

What it does :
- compile the converter (pde to java)
- use the converter
- compile java files
- make the jar (self-contained, runnable)
- generate xhtml 1.0 strict files, source zip (pde + data)

It requires Java 6 and Ant 1.7.0.
This is the first version, I only tested it under Windows XP.

I need your comments and tests about it. Thank you.

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