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IndexDiscussionExhibition › LIVING INTERFACE
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LIVING INTERFACE (Read 2044 times)
Feb 28th, 2007, 2:35pm
just wanted to show my new project.
Let me know what you think.

The topic of the project works between interactiondesign and the biology.

Here`s a link to the project and a video:


Reply #1 - Feb 28th, 2007, 5:42pm
i've got to say.. that is.. well.. really, really cool. Smiley i know that doesn't do it much justice, but i'm speechless.

very bright (no pun intended) idea. too bad the video doesn't play the music your project page describes the animal composing.

awesome project. kudos.
Reply #2 - Feb 28th, 2007, 10:17pm
Incredible!  I really dig the plankton that follow your little virtual creature.  I agree that it would be great to hear what the music sounds like.  Even if you don't have the video that goes along with it, do you have a few sound bites that you could post?  

New idea:  I'm not nearly versed enough in the language yet to begin working on this, but someone who knows what they're doing might like the idea of creating a processing app that manipulates tone based on the movement of hands (or probably any object) before a video camera.  If someone does make it, I don't need credit for the idea, just a copy of the code ; ) (although if you get rich off of it, I'll probably track you down with a copy this message, looking for handouts).  Something to think about.
Reply #3 - Mar 1st, 2007, 10:19am
thanks for the reply guys.
Unfortunately i hadn`t recorded the sound, created from the little creature. next time i will catch up on.

concerning your idea with the hands - its the same technique i used in my project. To track the hands is the blobDetection-library very useful: http://www.v3ga.net/processing/BlobDetection/index-page-examples.html

and to manipulate a soundsample i used sonia-library:
http://sonia.pitaru.com/ (sound control)

in combination of those two librarys its easy to realise your idea. try to, and if you get stuck you can ask me.

Reply #4 - Mar 1st, 2007, 8:38pm
it's basically a similar concept to a theramen (sp?).

there's a local band in my area that uses a theramen on stage. it's a vertical bar affixed to a horizontal plane, and they move their hand around above the horizontal plane to generate noises.
Reply #5 - Apr 19th, 2007, 3:08pm
Hi...well done, the idea is good, makes me thing of Eduardo Kac's project with bacteria ("genesis"). BTW...golan Levin already did the Hand idea. http://www.tmema.org/mis/
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