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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSound,  Music Libraries › Procedural drummer with Processing!
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Procedural drummer with Processing! (Read 1059 times)
Procedural drummer with Processing!
Feb 21st, 2007, 5:50am
I need to make a semester project for my AI class at school, and I'd love to make something with a little more interactivity than algorithms and CS theory. I want to see if I can make a rudimentary drum accompanimant in Processing.

Please throw your two cents in and help with the brainstorming! Its going to be using my computer mic input, and I hope to be able to play some chords on my guitar in a rythm, then have the program just hit a bass note or something to it.

Whats a good way to get a really, really simple real time drumming system working in processing?
Re: Procedural drummer with Processing!
Reply #1 - Feb 25th, 2007, 11:25pm
i don't know that "really, really simple" quite describes it. from what i can understand, you will need to recognize beat/time signature/tempo, and that can get ugly.

look through some of the processing.org's forums' example code. i believe there was a prog called "FireVis" that basically recognized a change in sound input and responded to it visually.
Consider Alternatives
Reply #2 - Feb 28th, 2007, 3:20am
Not to prevent you from using processing, but there are other programming environments which will make it much easier for you to code real-time audio. You should take a look at ChucK, which is linked under related initiatives on the main page. They have some good demos, including how to get microphone input into your "shred" (equivalent to a processing sketch). Good luck with your project.
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