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wii osc (Read 4198 times)
wii osc
Feb 20th, 2007, 2:48am
i got one of those nice wii controllers and with the great darwiinRemote tool it is pretty easy to use the controller with your mac. unfortunately the mapping of the data is only key and mouse based. but darwiinRemote is open source .. so here is an osc mapped version for download (mac only) including a processing sketch and a ChucK patch. the osc mapping is described in the readme file.


Re: wii osc
Reply #1 - Feb 22nd, 2007, 8:55pm

For Windows there is GlovePie that implements OSC to send and receive data.


Re: wii osc
Reply #2 - Apr 10th, 2007, 11:06am
I posted a list of wiimote related links and resources to my blog. Could become useful for enabling communication with Processing, Max/Msp and other software/hardware devices.

Feel free to complete the list by posting your own projects and/or other resources.

Link: wiimote-communication
Re: wii osc
Reply #3 - May 3rd, 2007, 12:42pm
is it possible to get the source code of darwinremote osc? i tried to implement osc in darwinremote myself but am quite busy and have problems with the available osc libraries:

there are several people working on this topic. it would be good to join forces..
Re: wii osc
Reply #4 - May 4th, 2007, 3:37am
hi michael,
i created a googlecode page at http://code.google.com/p/darwiinosc/ in the wiki there is a brief description where to put the wiiremote framework for linking. i am using shekar's objosc code for the osc communication. let me know if you have any improvements,s suggestions or if you want to be added to this googlecode project as a member.

Re: wii osc
Reply #5 - May 15th, 2007, 9:31pm
great! i will have a look at it..
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