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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpOther Libraries › HTMLParser-Lib. -> Proxy-Use
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HTMLParser-Lib. -> Proxy-Use? (Read 1052 times)
HTMLParser-Lib. -> Proxy-Use?
Feb 15th, 2007, 3:29pm
Hello to all from a processing newbie!

my first question to you is about the library HTMLParser in general and to get the html-code of a site by using a proxy as my specific problem.

To get this done, and because i can't find an example, i did the following:

void getDataFromClient()
 org.htmlparser.Parser ps;
 ConnectionManager cm;

 // get the connection-manager
 cm = Parser.getConnectionManager();

 // set the proxy-data i find in the java-docs of the library
 cm.setProxyHost("[the proxy of my company]");
 cm.setProxyPort([the proxy-port]);
 cm.setProxyUser("[my user-id");
 cm.setProxyPassword("[my password]");

 ps = new org.htmlparser.Parser ("[url to get the html-code from]");
 OrFilter orf = new OrFilter();

 NodeFilter[] nfls = new NodeFilter[1];

 nfls[0] = new TagNameFilter("html");


 NodeList nList = ps.parse(orf);
 Node     node  = nList.elementAt (0);


When runnning this code from within processing, i get the following error-message:

org.htmlparser.util.ParserException: Unexpected end of file from server;
java.net.SocketException: Unexpected end of file from server

at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.parseHTTPHeader(Unknown Source)

no matter which url i use to feed the program.

the error comes up right after Code:
 ps = new org.htmlparser.Parser ("[url to get the html-code from]");

Can anyone give me a hint where the error is
Where's my mistake, what is missing from the code
Does anyone know if there's a documentation about HTMLParser

(the code is part of htmlgrapher which can be found at http://www.aharef.info/static/htmlgraph; i used it as a start in processing and want to get it running from my companys intranet)
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