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IndexDiscussionExhibition › Hyphae / POV-Ray
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Hyphae / POV-Ray (Read 840 times)
Hyphae / POV-Ray
Feb 10th, 2007, 12:19am

The POV-Ray export stuff has been moved to it's own page http://www.davebollinger.com/works/p5povray

I also converted Marius Watz's "Complex 3D" example (from the PDF library) as a further example.  (and as an exercise for myself too! Wink )

Not sure if this belongs in Exhibition or Integration.(moderator feel free to move as appropriate)

I've recently been using my Hyphae project ( http://www.davebollinger.com/works/hyphae ) to experiment with exporting to POV-Ray for high-resolution output. (methodology inspired by recent work by toxi/watz with Sunflow/Maxwell as seen on Flickr)

It's not plug-and-play code by any stretch of the imagination, but it's not black magic either.  A bit of per-project customization would no doubt be necessary as POV-Ray is so "deep", but feel free to borrow as a starting point.
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