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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › Ribbon class that connects to Spring class
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Ribbon class that connects to Spring class? (Read 534 times)
Ribbon class that connects to Spring class?
Dec 18th, 2006, 3:24pm
Hey all,

I'm using some code I borrowed from Max Kaufman

His code can create basically a piece of cord or string or whatever you want to call it that is affected by gravity as it falls down the screen.  Great for what I wanted to do, which is create three separate ribbons that I can control the length, position, and other properties of.  However, I can't figure out how to make a Ribbon class that connects to this code.  What he was doing before was creating a line using a for statement in the draw function; however, that can't make 3 individual and independently manipulable objects.  

Anyway here is the code.  Any help would be much appreciated.

//VECTOR CLASS/////////////////////////////////////
class Vector
 float x,y;
 Vector(float u, float v)
   x = u;
   y = v;
 void add(Vector V)
   x += V.x;
   y += V.y;
 void scale(float Scalar)
   x *= Scalar;
   y *= Scalar;
 void setEqual(Vector V)
   x = V.x;
   y = V.y;

//FORCE CLASS/////////////////////////////////////
abstract class Force
 abstract Vector forceOn(DynamicNode N);

//GRAVITY CLASS/////////////////////////////////////
class Gravity extends Force
 float acceleration=0.25f;
 Vector forceOn(DynamicNode N)
   return new Vector(0.0f,acceleration*N.mass);

//SPRING CLASS/////////////////////////////////////
class Spring extends Force
 float restLength=1.0f, stiffness=1.0f;
 DynamicNode a,b;
 Spring (DynamicNode left, DynamicNode right)
   a = left;
   b = right;
 Vector forceOn(DynamicNode N1)
   DynamicNode N2;
   if (N1==a) N2 = b;
   else if (N1 == b) N2 = a;
   else return new Vector(0.0f, 0.0f);
   float dx = N2.position.x-N1.position.x;
   float dy = N2.position.y-N1.position.y;
   float displacement = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
   if (displacement == 0) return new Vector(0.0f, 0.0f);
   float magnitude = stiffness*(displacement-restLength)/displacement;
   return new Vector(dx*magnitude, dy*magnitude);

//POINT CLASS/////////////////////////////////////
class Point
 float x,y;
 Point(float u, float v)
   x = u;
   y = v;
 void displace(Vector V)
   x += V.x;
   y += V.y;

//DYNAMICNODE CLASS/////////////////////////////////////
class DynamicNode {

 Point position = new Point(0.0f,0.0f);
 float mass = 1.0f;
 boolean pinned;

 float dampening = 1.0f;
 Force[] myForces = new Force[0];
 Vector netForce = new Vector(0.0f,0.0f);
 Vector velocity = new Vector(0.0f,0.0f);
 Vector acceleration = new Vector(0.0f, 0.0f);
 void addForce(Force F)
   Force[] newForces = new Force[myForces.length+1];
   newForces[newForces.length-1] = F;
   myForces = newForces;
 void computeForce()
   netForce.x = 0;
   netForce.y = 0;
   for (int i=0; i<myForces.length; i++){

 void update()
   if (!pinned){


Re: Ribbon class that connects to Spring class?
Reply #1 - Jan 7th, 2007, 3:37pm
Got the link to the original code? Once I can see how one ribbon is made I can inform you how a class would be made. All these classes on their own just smacks of a lot of work to illustrate a solution.
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