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Play my game: (Read 6290 times)
Play my game:
Dec 10th, 2006, 1:13am

I have been working on this game a while. I would be interested in that you guy thought of it. Please let me know if spasific things are too easy or hard. Also I want to add sound. I was thinking of using midi to make the game create music as you played, but I have no experience with sound. (Any one want to recommened a site with tutorials?)There are currently 14 levels and new badguys appear almost every level.
I welcome all comments, tell me what you think.
Re: Play my game:
Reply #1 - Dec 10th, 2006, 6:18pm
I played to the second wave. It's pretty cool. I like the visual style, I like how you move around the screen. I don't like that I don't have direct control over my little orbiting guys. Also, when you die, the action just freezes so it looks like the program has crashed. You should create some kind of explosion animation for the player or even just throw some text on the screen saying something like "You died, click to continue."
Re: Play my game:
Reply #2 - Jan 26th, 2007, 3:25am
I played to the forth wave, then just gave up. The red homing things are just too annoying! The yellow ones and the lasers are good. This is because I couldn't find an effective way to dodge the red things, they just keep coming. With the yellow ones, you learn to let them accelerate, and then dodge at the last moment, so it gets confised for a while. And the laser ones you can see when they are about to align, then you dodge. but the red ones are just too anoying. Make them accelerate too, perhaps half as slow as the yellow ones! at this rate it can't be fun more than a couple of levels. But this is a very unique idea and I congratulate you being able to make it this far. =]
Re: Play my game:
Reply #3 - Feb 15th, 2007, 4:23am
I played until level 19 (while procrastinating from writing a French assignment, naturally) and I have to say: this is really a pretty cool game. Although the teleporting carrot things that show up are really annoying, most of the game is pretty well paced and visually attractive. I also really like the fact that you don't have direct control over your only defenses, but you can actually control them fairly well once you get used to it. So, overall, a lot better than I could do in Processing. Very nice.

P.S. I just realized the initial post says there are only 14 levels... so maybe I just dreamt of those last five.
Re: Play my game:
Reply #4 - Feb 15th, 2007, 4:41am
I'm glad you enjoyed it. In terms of game length: indeed I have been updating the game. I there should be 30 levels now....
Re: Play my game:
Reply #5 - Feb 22nd, 2007, 8:15am
I played to about wave 9.

I agree with a previous poster... kind of annoying you can't have direct control over your orbiters. Also... I really really wish my own guy can be upgraded.

Finally, my last criticism would be that it desperately needs sound. Smiley

Otherwise, great stuff! I'm always happy to see people make games with processing. This can really get somewhere.
Re: Play my game:
Reply #6 - Feb 23rd, 2007, 6:53am
WOW! This is a really impressive game. I've spent most of my night playing it.
I'm currently on level 26; it's really difficult, not sure if it's possible... but fun nonetheless.

I disagree with mflux, i think the lack of direct control is a stronger point of the game. It makes you work to develop strategies for guiding the orbiters, some of which don't work on specific enemies (namely bosses). Also, the visual effects are impressive, much better than I've been able to put together myself with processing.

Here's my 2 cents:
If you plan on taking the game further, an upgrade to the defense might be something to consider. Or maybe a temporary defense, one that allows you to be hit once without dying. Something that you could pick up within the playing field. This would be really helpful in levels 21 and 26.

Sound would be great.

Maybe add some animation for when an enemy is destroyed, although the sound might perform the same function.

Keep it up!
Re: Play my game:
Reply #7 - Feb 23rd, 2007, 11:26am
Thanks: I agree with all the sentiments. I like the idea of powerups. thanks.
Re: Play my game:
Reply #8 - Feb 23rd, 2007, 11:27am
PS. 26 is totally beatable. It is one of my favorite levels.....   Wink
Re: Play my game:
Reply #9 - Feb 25th, 2007, 12:00am
great idea. i agree that it's a good thing that you cannot control your defensive/offensive satellites. makes the game a lot more interesting, and breaks away from the boring, run-of-the-mill method for space combat games and such.

powerups would be good, as the odds are eventually stacked against you in a rather serious fashion. Smiley

great work, though! i look forward to seeing this on arcade websites spanning the internet very soon!
Re: Play my game:
Reply #10 - Feb 25th, 2007, 10:48am
I'm not sure but I think my satelite went right through a bad guy. Do you calculate hits by proximity?... if so you probably should check if the line between the satelites positions of two frames crosses the bad guys.
Re: Play my game:
Reply #11 - Feb 28th, 2007, 12:05am
So, I just beat the game.  Whew.  It's a pretty good one.  I like the variety of enemies (especially the little white guys that blast that gigantic force fields...very cool) and the 'unpredictability' of the defense.  

I agree that sound would be a good idea as well as the animations when you destroy an enemy.  Another addition that I think would make it more challenging—although other seem to think that it's challenging enough already—is a sort of course that you must bring your character though, while being attacked.  A gauntlet of sorts, perhaps pac man style.  

Just a few thoughts but thanks for showing me what Processing is capable of.
Re: Play my game:
Reply #12 - Feb 28th, 2007, 12:31am
Sjeiti wrote on Feb 25th, 2007, 10:48am:
I'm not sure but I think my satelite went right through a bad guy. Do you calculate hits by proximity... if so you probably should check if the line between the satelites positions of two frames crosses the bad guys.

Yeah, I totally agree, and am working on fixing that.
Thanks everyone for your support and critisism. This is really getting fun.
Re: Play my game:
Reply #13 - Mar 10th, 2007, 2:20pm
SO much more fun... got up to level 26 this time!!! XDD. maybe if there was a way to jump back to level 26 without having to replay...? (perhaps a level code every 5 or 10 levels) Smiley

But it is great as is. Cheesy
Re: Play my game:
Reply #14 - Mar 11th, 2007, 12:21am
WARNING: cheat code alert: to level skip forward press the 'p' button to jump back press 'o'. Have fun (;

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