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Processing for Dummies (Read 4186 times)
Processing for Dummies
Dec 6th, 2006, 1:01am
Hi Guys,

I was wondering if anyone had any links to Processing tutorials 'for Dummies.' Basically I am looking for info to start out with Processing with no prior experience.

Your help would be much appreciated.

Re: Processing for Dummies
Reply #1 - Dec 7th, 2006, 2:33am
Are you new to programming or new to Processing? We've found that people familar with programming can use the examples and reference to pick up the language. People new to programming typically need more.

I don't know of any comprehensive web tutorials, but there are three books coming out in 2007 that will address this need.

Re: Processing for Dummies
Reply #2 - Dec 7th, 2006, 2:13pm
Hello Dave & Casey

I too would be very interested in getting basic knowledge in starting with Processing. I'm coming from a sound design background and only have limited notions in programming - mainly object orientated like Max & Supercollider. One of the reasons I've not yet commited myself to a program language is because I'm still wondering what is best in terms of long term investment. When I first heard about Processing, I got all excited then I realised it was a java based language. I have no knowledge of this language and wonder also about the extent of its possibilities for sound synthesis. My question I guess is this; Is Processing worth my while if I want to learn a programming language for sound synthesis or should I rather consider sticking to Max or Supercollider ?
Re: Processing for Dummies
Reply #3 - Dec 8th, 2006, 1:41am
A newbie experience: I has no idea about java or processing.
It isn't hard and it's funny. Step by step you'll understand... Processing gives you a great help and a nice way to understand how "runs" java or even other languages (I have always been afraid of Java... too complex and dense). I started with Jared Tarbell's complexification.net examples. Processing sketches-examples too.

You can look for examples around the discourse. Study the sources playing to change lines, observing how affect it to the applets... Begin to write some lines of code, without fear, based in other examples. You'll see at last some code running right. Other people questions helps to learn about. I'ts like a great brainstorm!

Ask for help here and you'll find it. Google's helps too.
Now you can get sources for read/learn at http://www.builtwithprocessing.org.

Go on processing and good luck!
One saludo.
Re: Processing for Dummies
Reply #4 - Dec 12th, 2006, 12:13am
What you say is true, owd - but I would love to see some good tutorials for people without any programming experience, all the same: One of the obvious uses of something like Processing is as a way of introducing the fundamentals of programming, and it seems a shame there hasn't been more work done from this angle.

You know the sort of stuff: This is what a variable is, and this is why you should care; this is a function, which is good to know because of such-and-such...

I hope I'll get time to work on this myself some time, if nobody beats me to it...!
Re: Processing for Dummies
Reply #5 - Dec 13th, 2006, 12:31am
I agree totally with you.
Your initiative illustrates my thought: I think it's very commendable.
Searching information about Eclipse plugins I found this: despaired guy. As Pangloss says "this is the best of all possible worlds"...
Fortunately here there are people like you trying to fill those lacks.

One Saludo.
Re: Processing for Dummies
Reply #6 - Dec 13th, 2006, 2:33pm
Just wanted to pipe in here and say this is exactly what I am working on.  I'm writing a book which is designed to teach programming with Processing step-by-step for those with absolutely no prior experience.  Unfortunately, it won't be out until the summer, but I do have some online tutorials here:

Beginner: http://www.shiffman.net/teaching/icm

Ira Greenberg also has a book coming out:

Re: Processing for Dummies
Reply #7 - Dec 13th, 2006, 5:49pm
Dear Daniel

That is precious information - Thank you. I'll be following your work - keep it up and I look forward to the publication. Please do let us know how and when we can buy your work.

best regards


PS - Any chapter on working with sound ?
Re: Processing for Dummies
Reply #8 - Feb 5th, 2007, 1:49am
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