hi germond
you have the newest version of the library, which works with threads (i.e. it's asynchronous, so you don't have to explicitly use 'update()'), and i haven't had time to update the documentation.
there is an example program which _is_ up-to-date at the very bottom of this page:
but basically as a result of the latest version (back from the beginning of june)
1. you don't need import proxml and processing.net, you only need import environmentxml.*
2. you initiate by using something like
dataIn = new DataIn(this, "http://www.haque.co.uk/environmentxml/live/xml/79.xml", 5000);
where 5000 is the number of milliseconds between each attempt to grab the remote data -- basically happens in the background automatically, so you can do whatever else you want in the draw() loop without being slowed down;
and when the data actually comes in...
3. you would need this function below, which automatically gets called when the new data is ready
void onReturnEnvironmentXML(DataIn d){
// this method is called whenever updated remote environmentXML is available from your dataIn remote URL
println("found: " + d.getTagValue("temperature"));
println("found: " + d.getIdValue(1));
println("found: " + d.getAge());
let me know how it goes (and feel free to email me if there's any difficulty..)
like i said the example at the bottom of that page is fully up-to-date, so if you copy paste it into a new file it should work out of the box...